Hi Steve,
I enjoyed reading your posts and am sorry to hear you won't be posting any more.
In reading your posts it sounds like you and I have had similar experiences and I am reminded of the old saying, "The best telescope is the one you use most often".
These days for me this means scopes in the 4" - 7" range. I have owned larger scopes in the 20" range and used larger ones at star parties.
However at this stage of my observing career smaller scopes work best for me as they are easier to set up and use.
Also when I observe I take notes and make sketches. It is much easier to do this when I am comfortably sitting down in an observing chair rather than standing on a tall ladder to reach the eyepiece.
In addition, sketching at the eyepiece has allowed me to train my eye to see more detail with the telescopes that I have.
Eric Jamison