At Hippieua's request, I've added this to the post...
My account on a dropbox was disabled due to high bandwidth, so until I will fix it here is a direct link to all the files/schematics/gerbers I've posted here.
All software and drivers can be found here.
Project description:
This project is about how to make CCD camera based on ICX453AQ chip. This chip is also used in astro camera QHY8PRO.
- Camera resolution is 3000x2000 = 6Mpx
- Square pixel 7.8 x 7.8um
- 16bit ADC with CDS
- Color RGB Bayer
- 28.4 mm diagonal
- USB 2.0 interface
- Readout time is ±2s
The schematic is very simple, so anyone who knows how to solder and read documentation can easily repeat this model.
CCD Sensor Sony ICX453AQ unfortunately do not have datasheet in open access. So only reverse ingineering helped to start the project.
This camera is based on FT2232H chip working in bit-bang mode, so no need to compile firmware or programming mcu. FT2232 alows to create 2 USB slave high speed devices(one for controlling camera, second for downloading image).
ADC – AD9826. Complete 16-bit Imaging Signal Processor with gain(0..63) and offset (-127 ..+127) control.
Virtical CCD Driver (Sony CXD1267) is controlled through shift register 74HC595.
Horizontal Driver is semi software. Based on dual high-speed mosfet driver MAX4428 wich contains one inverting and one non-inverting section. It drives 6 volts to CCD in counterphase. In future releases I think ill replace it with spesialized ISL55111 chip.
Camera uses several power supplies (LDO/DC-DC) and runs from 12V PS.
- 2 LP2985-33 for FT2232 and shift registers
- 2 LP2985-50 for ADC digital and analog supply
- 1 LM2937-50 for DC-DC bias PS and nor-gate
- 1 AD3336ARMZ with 6 Volt for horizontal register
- 1 TPS65130 for -8/+15 for CCD bias supply
FT2232 have ability to be self powered, but currently it runs from VBUS.
The camera works in next sequence
- Generating bitbang impulses (around 24Mb)
- Write it to output buffer of FT driver.
- Start dedicated thread for reading on 2nd part of FT2232
- Send output buffer
- Waitng for input to be finished
- Forming image
- Goto 2
Cam84 is forth (Cam81/Cam83/Cam8s) major revision of this project and currently just works out of the box. No need for cuting routes or making airwires or any other fixes.
Unfortunately it do not have builtin TEC controller yet. So you have to make it yourself. But there is a possibility to control it from ASCOM driver.
Materials needed for the project:
- CCD chip, Removing the CCD from the carrier
- PCB & Schematic Part 1, PCB Part 2
- Enclosure
- UV-IR CUT filter (Astronomik or Baader f.e.)
- Bill of materials.
- 2-3 hours of free time.
In the next messages i'll describe in more detail each item.
And now couple of photos, just to let you know what i am talking about.
Bottom Side with sensor:
Top Side Placed In Gainta Case:
Single BIAS frame at +5C on chip:
Average SUM of 38 BIAS frames:
To be continued …
Edited by noisejammer, 30 May 2016 - 11:30 AM.