In spite of a whole bunch of smoke blowing over from a fire in Mexico around sunset, the air smelled clean and no ash was on my car, so I took a gamble and set up the 1973 C14 I bought from Woodsman since the next few nights are forecast to be clear and dry and my back has recovered from my plumbing repair a few weeks ago.
Things cleared up nicely, and I tracked down NGC 6905 in Delphinus and NGC 7027 in Cygnus after the usual visits with M57, M13, M15, and M2. M57:in this scope with a 32 mm TV Wide Field shows an interesting hue, it does not seem like a colorless grey but is hard to describe like it has some purple and green hint to it. M27 was huge in this eyepiece and showed a pronounced apple core shape. I was not using a nebula filter and my backyard is far from a dark sky site. But really interesting to see how the same exit pupil shows the object much more obviously and detailed compared to a smaller scope like my C8, even in light polluted skies. NGC 7027;is a really strong blue color planetary and a bit elongated. NGC 6905 gets called the Blue Flash or something like that but is much lower surface brightness so just looks more grey. But it is in a really field of stars.
M2 and M15 I really like. The stars are denser than M13 and fainter but the 14” really pulled them in. I checked out Saturn rising for a bit and was nice but a bit turbulent so I put the TeleGizmos 365 over the scope and grabbed a few hours of shuteye with my alarm set for 0245.
So out again this am, Jupiter and Mars beckoning. Orion rising. But not the super stable seeing I was hoping for. Jupiter snaps with detail for split seconds with a Moon shadow right above the Great Red Spot, another moon ingress in the disk, but fuzzing out a lot so I stuck with the 16mm Konig. Mars needed more power in spite of the seeing so I used the 10.2mm ortho for it, with occasional glimpses of the North Polar Hood and Syrtis Major, so not a complete waste. I also checked out Omicron 2 Eridani, NGC 1535, M42, and M76. M76 was really nice in the 32mm eyepiece, really punched through the light pollution better than my 15” Obsession does without a filter. The Dob isn’t really baffled as well.
Around 0400 some monsoon clouds started coming in and the humidity went up, so I cleared the dew off the corrector with a hair dryer on low, capped and covered the scope and will be out again tonight.