I'd have to get up on the shed roof to see the comet; but, I've done that before to get a good look at Mercury.
Another night of near-perfect seeing, and a friendly SxS between my FC-100 & Meade 826 -- both at about 320x on Saturn close to the meridian. Overall, the FC was sharper, while the 826 showed more disk details & colors (very faint rose & lilac). Yellows may have been present, and I simply couldn't see them. If tonight is a repeat, I'll haul out the gear, and do some imaging with either / both old scopes.
826 showed Titan + 3 moons, vs Titan + 2 in the FC. Rings were almost 3D in the FC, and that pure bright white this old APO excels at.
826 won the magnification contest. 480x (LV 2.5) was easy, so I tried 600x (LV 5 + GSO 2.5x Barlow), and got huge & soft. 600x was a bit sharper with the Radian 4 + Tak 2x Barlow. So, I stuck with 480x. The StarFinder EQ keeps Saturn in the field better at that lower power, anyway.
Despite the Moonglow, the FC had no problem nabbing The Dumbbell; which was Huge in the 826 at 120x (UWA 10). Studied M15 with the 826 for a while, trying to break out as many member stars as I could. Switched the FC to 2" accessories, and went after clusters in Lacerta & Cepheus.
Pairing a great 8" Newt with a quality 4" refractor... is a killer combo, even for us city-slickers. BIF, Newbies: 60x per inch of aperture makes my 826 refractor-like. And, when the air is calmer, it stays sharp at 75x per inch (600x). These 1980s Meade Newtonians are worth considering vs the new DOBs -- got mine for $100.
Edited by Bomber Bob, 13 October 2024 - 12:00 PM.