Bonus Night with lots of cloud-dodging but some fantastic views. Locked my 1973 Tak TS-65P / 500 on The Moon about an hour before sunset, when it climbed 10* above the oaks. In the calmer 8+ moments, saw 2 of Plato's Craterlets at 200x (Vixen LV 2.5). So, the clouds were all below 3000' & the air above was dry & clear...
Saturn at the meridian, and in the very best seeing, looked great in the "short" TS, so I brought out the planet-killing 1972 TS-65S / 1000. Mamma Mia! Super sharp at 200x (LV 5), with 3 belts against a pearly disk. Rings are razor blades. Near-zero glare -- saw Rhea & Titan direct vision, and possibly Enceladus intermittently with averted vision (staring at Titan). In an hour, 3 of Elon's StarLink satellites zipped through the field...
The Moon at 400x (LV 2.5). Sketchable details on the floor of the Alpine Valley. Cracks / faults / rilles winding away from Plato's walls that I don't recall seeing before. Two BRIGHT peaks sticking out of The Terminator like LED headlights.
All in all, a very fine fall night with the 65 Pair.
BIF: Yes! 400x (160x per inch) is sharp on The Moon. Not useful for Saturn - beach ball w/o added detail. Honestly, except for testing, I won't use this extreme magnification for double stars, either. 200x - 250x gives the overall very best views across object types - so far. Jupiter, and to a lesser degree, Mars, will decide it for me. I may find that 175x is better for Jove than any higher power.
Star Colors are so close to true / natural in the 65S that seeing any difference is beyond my eyes. Gonna do another SxS with both TS's & my FC-76, which seems even closer to true. Now is when I miss my Vixen FL-80S. It gave a truer view of Vega than the FC. Between these 4 old scopes, I could nail it down. It would be nutz to nab a really cheap FL-80S on ZEN...
Edited by Bomber Bob, 12 November 2024 - 12:23 PM.