Hi-Score model numbers <450 aren't made by Goto. The Goto Hy-Score models all have model numbers in the 450s.
You don't have my Goto Hy-Score #451 60mmx900mm (gray alt-az and wood tripod) 1957, wood/wood cabinet, complete (same as Goto model 104-B)
You don't have my #454 (76mm x 1300mm) (no mount or tripod) 1950s, wood/wood cabinet (same as model Goto 106)
You don't have my Swift #839 (60028), 1960, gem, circles, wood tripod, wood/wood cabinet complete.
You don't my Unitrons 62mm 114 (alt-az) 1955, 60mm 114 alt-az 1967, 128 gem late 50s, 140 alt-az 1958, 142 gem late 1950s, 152 gem late 1950, all with wood tripods, wood/wood cabinets
Are you doing Celestron Vixens? I have a ~30y.o. Blacktube Firstscope 80, alt-az, wood tripod, cardboard/styrofoam box, complete set
I also have an approximately 30 y.o. Celestron (by Vixen) C4.5 Newtonian reflector on the standard Polaris GEM.
The cabinet on my Mayflower 814 is wood/wood, (Original owner).
Monolux 4380 is white tube with black trim, gray wrinkle GEM
Are you doing Japanese reflectors?
Edited by terraclarke, 14 February 2016 - 10:43 PM.