Here is my first DSO images captured with beta ASI1600MM-Cool. I control camera through Voyager in MaximDL (ASCOM driver) on Win 7 and Win 10. Connection to PC was used USB 2.0 and USB3.0.
First light: Image with M105 and few surrounding galaxies were captured with small 60-mm f5,5 (work on f4,3) APO. Image consists L:8x300, RGB:5x300/channel. There are no dark, bias and flats used. Camera was cooled on -30°C without any problems. Image FOV 234x177 arcmin (3.01 arcsec/px).
Other test images were captured with my AS300 astrograph.
M5: -30°C, RGB 8 x 60 sec/channel. There are no dark, bias and flats used.
M100: -30°C, L 1 x 300 sec. There are no dark, bias and flats used.
BIAS KAF8300 vs. ASI1600: 1:1
DARK KAF8300 vs. ASI1600: 1:1, -30°C, dark 300 sec
M100 KAF8300 vs. ASI1600: 1:2, L filter, 300 sec. Images were captured with the same telescope but not at same night. KAF8300 image was captured without moon presence, ASI 1600 image was captured under 6 days old moon and under poorer conditions as were at image with KAF8300. There are no dark, bias and flats used.
All images are available on DB link: https://www.dropbox....xY2O43QRSa?dl=0
Few words about filters. I used ASI1600MM-Cool with XAGIL 8x1,25" FW and mounted filters. Distance CMOS - filters glass was around 20 mm.
Camera interface
I used values 0/10 (highest dynamic range) which is recommended for long exposures
NOTICE: All images were captured under poor conditions; bad seeing, clouds, strong ground wind and presence of moon! I hope for more stable weather in next days for DSO imaging with ASI1600MM-Cool.
Kind regards,
Matej Mihelčič
Edited by matejmihelcic, 18 April 2016 - 05:23 PM.