Today I received a cooled mono 1600 camera from ZWO for testing on DSO targets.
I coupled it with a Orion Nautilus filter wheel. Filter wheel has T threads and so does the camera. This setup puts the filters 15 MMs in front of the sensor. The test rig includes a Vixen VSD (380MM F/3.8), Telescope service OAG, Orion SSAG, Celestron AVX, Custom Scientific LRGB 1.25" mounted filters.
My initial impressions are as follows:
Camera is extremely light weight compared to CCDs, but it's well constructed.
It cools to - 20°C at 50% power indoors and keeps it there.
ASCOM driver seems to be stable with Maxim.
Download time is ridiculously fast compared to what I'm used to with CCD and DSLR cameras.
Right now I'm taking 400 bias and 100 300" darks.
I took some flats with Lum filter and I see no significant vignetting.
Please let me know if anyone has any specific tests you want me to run. I'll try my best to run them.
Edited by tolgagumus, 28 April 2016 - 06:49 PM.