This is a fascinating thread and correct collimation is something that I have been severely struggling with since without knowing differently I removed my corrector to clean my mirrors without first marking it's position.
I think that I've been lucky and dodged a bullet as my collimation does not seem to be obviously too far out.
I have used various other methods to collimate such as defocused stars & using Al's Collimation Aid to try to make sure that all rings are concentric but it seems almost impossible to get the star to be still long enough for very fine tuning.
Recently I have made a Duncan Mask to try, this was a fail. I had to raise the gain such much that the image was dancing around the screen, also I was getting a fainter ghost image of the 'Y' with a slight rotational offset to the original 'Y'
Though hours of trawling the web I stumbled on the thread & have used the generator to create a Tri-Bahtinov mask for my CPC9.25.
I left all the settings on the generator as default, only entering my FL of 2350mm, Outer Diameter of mask as 263mm & the diameter of my Fastar boss as 90mm.
Here is the resulting plot:
Here is the image I made from the plot in order to try it in Maskulator:
When the generator created the above plot there were 3 very, very small triangle cutouts, one by each of the Mount Holes, I deleted these in Inkscape - hope this does not effect the masks use.
I have emailed my svg to a Laser Cutter for a quote, just waiting to hear back with a price.
While on the subject, when I travel below focus on my scope and then back up to a focus point I can see a very distinct & central Poisson point, as it should be but moving up away from a focus point this Poisson point gradually fades only to give way to a brighter spot that is much more off center but my overall secondary shadow does not move.
It alomost like there are 2 focus points very close to the center.
I have attempted to correct this but tweaking the collimation screws moves the secondary about but this odd spot stays in the same place relative to the secondary shadow.
Hoping this Tri-Bahtinov will help in some way for me to check my collimation to such a degree that I can rule out any errors there before figuring out what this other off center point could be.
Thanks to cytan299 for starting this thread & everyone else who has helped progress it so far.
I''l post back my findings.