I am super excited about this adapter. Finally Ron from Moonlite finished my adapter to separate the focuser from the mirror. The weight of the camera puling on the mirror has always been a problem with these GSO RCs. No matter how tight I made the collimation I always noticed a shift through the night. This was because of the weight. These scopes are sold under different names like TPO, Astrotech, Highpoint, Mallincam. GSO realized their mistake and corrected the issue in the new truss tube versions but the older ones and even the new carbon fiber or steel closed tubes scopes still suffer from this problem.
The adapter is not plug and play. It requires some work from the user. The rear cell has to be removed and drilled using the adapter as a template. Moonlite includes an o 'ring to center the adapter around the existing threads. I simply pressed the adapter on the o'ring, marked the holes using a drill. Next step is to remove the mirror cell by unscrewing the pull screws, remove the mirror and nut and bolt the adapter. Good news is, the adapter has the same 117 mm threads as the original back so I can continue using my old imaging train. It was only $250. I must do a warning tho it is not for someone who can't handle using a drill and not comfortable taking the scope apart. And the scope definitely has to be re collimated once put back together.
I tested it with a laser before and after installation and using about 20 pounds and the laser stood still. I am extremely happy.
I also tried the upcoming Moonlite Nightcrawler focuser but it's not 100% ready.
Edited by tolgagumus, 29 July 2016 - 12:49 PM.