Note: This is just a quick review of the OTA and its objectives performance only and is not a review of the tripod or eyepieces that come with the complete Meade Inifinty 90 mm scope. I used my own eyepiece and my own tripod when I tested the OTA.
Hi Folks. Had a chance to check out the Meade 90 mm Infinity Refractor the other night. I hate to say it but I bought it a year ago (bought only the OTA from a Seller on eBay) as a grab and go and it sat on my mount in my room and never looked through it . I put this scope on a older non goto CG5 mount that I tore down completely and re-greased. Anyways the Meade Infinity is a 90 mm (3.5") doublet 600 mm focal length f/6.7 refractor. Last week I took the time to collimate the focuser to the optical axis of the objective and collimated the diagonal as well. I did this because I was just killing some time (bored) on a rainy day and because I like to get the best out of a refractor. So finally got motivated to see what this scope can do. I also did add the Orion Accufocus which works fantastic giving me a sharp wiggle free focus, even though the 1.25" focuser is a rack and pinion type. By the way the focuser is all metal which surprised me.
My concern was to see how crisp, clean, clear and bright the stars would appear in the semi-fast scope. By the way, unfortunately there was no Moon or Planets to view, but just knowing what the stars would look like would give me a good idea what to expect of the Moon and Planets. I grabbed an older University Optics Volcano Top Japan made 20 mm Kellner eyepiece. This gave me a magnification of 30x.
I could see some clouds moving in toward the South so I put my attention toward the North, NE. First up was the Double Cluster in Perseus. Wow! I could see both clusters in the field of view and the stars were pinpoints right to the edge of the eyepiece. Crisp, clear and bright with a nice dark background. You could see allot of star separation, even at 30x. Right then and there I knew the scope was a keeper for grab and go. I can see more clouds moving in from the West so I hurried to see Lyra which was about 10 degrees past the Meridian toward the West. First I went to Vega. I was surprised how bright and crisp Vega was in the eyepiece. My concern was if I could see any CA. I was surprised how little there was. It was very controlled but I will wait until I can get a view of the Moon to update further on this. All the rest of the stars in Lyra were pinpoint to the edge. While I was there I decided to see if I could find the Ring Nebula. Found it! Of course no detail at 30x but I could easily see its elongated/circular shape. Not bad for 30x. Clouds moving in quick so I decided to just scan the Milky Way which was right over head. Again Wow. Stars were pinpoints, bright and crisp, with a dark background.
All in all I will further update as I get the scope out very soon to see the Moon and plan a few double star tests with higher magnification. For those Folks looking for a grab and go scope or a scope to introduce the universe with, be it a novice or advanced observer, you can't go wrong with the Meade Infinity 90 mm. Especially with a price that won't break the bank as a first scope. I give it 2 thumbs up. Below is a few picks of my Meade Infinity 90 mm scope on the older CG5.
P.S. I did forget to mention that I did get a chance to see the Pleiades which was about 35 to 40 degrees above the Eastern horizon. Man was that spectacular! The stars were just so bright and crisp. Now if I can get my ES AR152mm refractor out which has been sitting on another mount and not looked through yet .
Edited by emflocater, 03 November 2016 - 11:48 AM.