I just received an ASI071 and had first light last night. I do EAA imaging for broadcast on NightSkiesNetwork.com and I'm testing this camera for that purpose. I also have a modded T3i with just a clear protective glass and an ASI1600MC-Cool. I found the ASI071 to be noisier than the ASI600MC-C. I run the gain at a high setting to help keep exposures down to around 60sec to 120sec, I will run longer if needed. I use SharpCap and AstroToaster and set the exposure so that the left side of the histogram is in the 10% to 25% range. I originally started out with the cooler set to -15C but later changed to -20C. I started the session with gain set to 400 but later lowered to around 250-300.
Link to last nights images taken from broadcast with no post processing followed by duplicate image with post noise reduction applied. Data is included in the image description.