Here's my latest deep-sky work, a large mosaic right at the junction of constellations Taurus, Perseus and Auriga, featuring their most popular objects, such as the Pleiades or the California, Spaguetti and Flaming nebulas, all bathed in interstellar clouds of dark dust - the huge Taurus Molecular Cloud - spreading all over the scene.
Small version:
Small annotated version:
Link to a larger (2040px wide) version: https://c1.staticfli...cd0077f4c_o.jpg
The image was built from five different mosaics - four I have previously completed, plus additional data (21 new panes) captured between September 2016 and January 2017. The area is equivalent to a 45 pane mosaic. All captured with my usual rig: dual FSQ106 scopes + SBIG STL11k CCDs. Since the image is built from several mosaics, each has it's own integration times, etc. Roughly, we're talking about 180~190 hours of total integration time. Hope you like it!
PS: the detail in M1 is breathtaking, I know!
Thank you,
Edited by RBA, 08 February 2017 - 03:35 PM.