The general opinion of the mount here in the UK is that it is good and will take a bit more then the quoted 5Kg. That said what usually happens is people start steadily increasing and get worse results then complain.
Thoughts just seem to go:
It takes the 80ED fine, I might try my 102 and see. Well the 102 didn't burn out the motors so tomorrow I will try the 127. Think technically it is termed "Destructive Testing". The first word is however somewhat relevant.
As the weight it handles enables the Skywatcher 80ED that seems to be a good weight to stop at. There has to be a place to stop at. If you ran your car at 8000 rpm you would not really expect it to last long so why push a mount over its limits. If/when I get one (still awaiting delivery here) it will have a nice not heavy WO ZS61 on it.
Add in that the latest firmware I believe allows you to set it to Equitorial operation and so people will almost immediatly add flatener and DSLR so that adds another 1Kg to the weight. but somehow DSLR weight gets forgotten.
Waiting for the post saying:
"I only had a 4Kg scope on it and the motors gave up. Everyone knows the DSLR, flattener, guide camera and guide scope all weigh nothing , don't they?"
Edited by sg6, 22 July 2018 - 03:17 AM.