I want to thank all the posters here for all the info on this mount - especially David Parks.. I am just back from Tanzania and have a story to tell.....
My wife and I are beginner imagers (started last year-we live in Calgary Alberta) we have two scopes, an Orion ED80T CF and 8 Inch Edge HD . We have and AVX mount for the refractor and a CGEM II for the reflector.
We planned to go on a photography safari tour of Tanzania and being more into astrophotography, I wanted to see if a light,travel friendly Goto mount with EQ tracking would be available. Finding this forum encouraged me and I purchased an AZ-GTI and got it the second week in January, a few days before we left on the trip.
Everything about this astro pic effort was non-optimal - new equipment, Southern Hemisphere - just South of Equator alignment and proximity to full moon restricting quality imaging time.
I packed the mount, ED80T CF, and other sensitive components including our ZWO ASI071 MC Pro camera in a Pelican Air Case. Mount tripod and other hardware in checked luggage and we were off...
After only a few trial sessions at home, the mount tested fine at the Tarangire Park in Tanzania - but clouds prevented any extensive imaging.
The safari went on and many animal sights and pictures were obtained.
Finally on the night of January 26, the sky cleared when we were in Ndutu wilderness camp... Protected from wildlife (including lions) by Maasai warriors, imaging was possible. Polar aligning was rudimentary as the 3 degrees South Latitude could not quite be reached, but the mount was pointed South as low as possible, and a two star alignment done with the mount in EQ mode. Goto seemed to work reasonably well and APT was used with plate solver to do refined targeting. Starshoot autoguider was engaged and guiding was a bit rough but sufficient for imaging.
Managed to get the sculptor galaxy, NGC 2362 cluster. Finally the Great Nebula in Carina rose and took RGB (before moonrise), Ha, and OIII images.
The image shown is the Halpha version - 15 x 60 sec at gain of 140. Very dark skies until the moon began to rise just before the Halpha subs were taken. Stacked with DSS and quick wipe with Startools , refined marginally with Photoshop.. We will attempt to integrate RGB, Halpha and OIII later with Pixinsight...
This portable mount works very well..
Thanks again to all posters.