My fascination with Takahashi started with an FC-100. I had that scope for several years until sometime in the late 90's when I purchased an FS-102 from Anacortes telescope. I remember sometime after that purchase that Herb from Anacortes telescope called me and said he was getting a shipment of FCT76's and wanted to know if I wanted one-I turned it down. I think the price was under $1000. Duh!!! To this day, I have never owned or even seen one.
Since those early times, I have owned
All FS series 60mm-152mm. The FS152 was mounted on a MI250 mount which made for a beautiful platform and was my main astrophotography rig for many years
All Mewlon Series 180mm-300mm. Best viewing ever was the Mewlon 250 at WSP after it reopened from hurricane damage
TSC 225 and CN 212-Not too impressed with the TSC, but the 212 was legendary at NSP in about 2003.
Epsilon 130-Bought it for the cool color
Mounts-Basically every one-Sky Patrol, P2, P2Z, Space Boy, EM-1, EM-2, EM-10, EM-100, EM-200, EM400, and old NJP.
Fast forward to today. Times have changed. My days of trying out every telescope and collecting classics for living room pieces are over. I have been searching for 6 months for just one scope. I found it! A 1985 FC-100. I like the 4" Tak APO best. The 5-6" are amazing, but in another league with mounting requirements, etc.
Takahashi is the best in my opinion. To see threads comparing a Skywatcher 100ED favorably to a Takahashi FS-102 is ridiculous IMHO.
Edited by Steve_M_M, 10 September 2017 - 11:18 AM.