After years of not seeing the north sky - my house is in the way - I've managed to establish a temporary set-up at the end of the garden which now provides a decent view over the roof of the house = hooray! Just starting to image some of the popular features in the north + my first time out for many weeks due to absence of astro darkness managed to get some good narrowband subs last week of the Heart Nebula.
As would be expected the Ha-channel was good and surprisingly so was SII. For a first time effort I'm quite pleased with the resulting SHO image (see attached file) except for the purple stars and wondered if anyone could provide (a) an explanation and (b) a processing solution - I'm using an old CS2 version of PS and a recently acquired and excellent Affinity Photo.
Thanks, Graham
Edited by space(man), 20 August 2018 - 12:44 PM.