This is always nice to see this type of meteor.
It's a rich year for me, I sketch one big shooting star and two fireballs in 2018.
In the Sept 5th morning, while looking to Orion to find some variables to be estimated I got this nice surprise. A quick magnitude -8 anthelion fireball.
Here too as discussed somewere else the sketch is very helpfull, more than a photo. You just have to have a paper and a pencil. It's just so easy to trace the meteor on the star field and record the exact time.
For information here's the original sketch made on the field (from my observatory)
And here the watercolor, this one was ofcourse done while in my workshop on 300gr watercolor paper based on the sketch I did just after the event.
Ofcourse I did a report to yhe IMO / AMS about this, maybe I will not be a lonely observer
Hope you will have soon the opportunity to see this nice event too.
Clear sky to you all