This is a quick processing version of a small subset of data from this morning. I was testing a new filter that I got....a green bandpass filter 500-575nm. I had been using a 610nm long pass filter, but the moon was high in the sky (75 degrees) and the seeing was fairly good so I wanted to test a green filter. Although this is not a controlled experiment, in looking through the data so far, the green filter is producing somewhat sharper images than I typically get with the red filter, which is expected of course from physics, although it's always hard to predict these things because of seeing effects. But this is probably marginally better resolution than some of my previous images, judged by the craterlets in Plato and the rille down the center of Vallis Alpes. Taken with C9.25 Edge HD with ASI183mm camera. Click for larger size.
Edited by Tom Glenn, 01 October 2018 - 12:40 AM.