I just verified I have all 3 programs needed for option #1. I have them all on my screen as shortcuts. Baud rate is set to 115200 at the current Prolific Driver
The chart I posted above is just all the different ways you can run an EQ6-R-Pro from a PC. Method #1 is the simplest. All of the others are possible depending on what you might need that is out of the ordinary. (For example, not all EQ6-R-Pro mounts have the USB connector on the mount. The early ones lacked that nifty feature.)
If by programs, you mean the ASCOM drivers (GSS or EQMOD or SynScan App) then you will simply choose the one your want to use. You make that choice when you connect the the mount and use the ASCOM Chooser program. If you have all three of those ASCOM drivers installed, each will show up in the ASCOM chooser dialog and you simply choose the one you want to use. Only one will be used to control the mount in any given session.
Each of the ASCOM driver programs will have a Setup dialog where you must enter the COM port number that corresponds to what you see in the Windows Device Manager. You do not need to try to force a particular COM port number for use (although you can force a number if you have really good reasons to do so).
So, when you power up the PC and connect the USB cable, the Windows Device Manager will show you which COM ports are found. If you have the Device Manager up already when you plug the USB cable into the mount, a new port will show up. That is the one that is the mount. Then connect your software (like PHD2 Guiding or Stellarium) to the mount and select ASCOM as the connection method. That will bring up the ASCOM driver Chooser where you select whether you want to use the GSS, EQMOD, or SynScan App driver to control the mount. After selecting the driver, and doing an OK, the chooser will then ask you to set up the properties for the mount. That will then bring up the Setup Dialog for whichever ASCOM driver your chose. It will then need to have the COM port set to be the same as what Device Manager showed you.
After having done this once, the connection to the mount will happen without going back into the Chooser each time. It will use your last choice of GSS / EQMOD / SynScan to reconnect on subsequent sessions. (You can still go back into the Chooser in the future if you want to change to a different ASCOM driver if you want. There is generally no need to flit back and forth once you find any one of the drivers works fine with your mount and the programs that want to control it -- programs like guiding, planetarium / sky maps, image capture and sequencing, etc.)
Edited by jdupton, 06 September 2022 - 04:55 PM.