What is the difference between C80 and CB80 scopes?
I have what I purchased as a “Firstscope 80”, which I think is what’s called the CB80. It came on with an alt-az mount and a wooden tripod. It has a focal length of 910mm, making it f/11.3 There was also a C80, which some people think was the same OTA on a Polaris EQ mount. These were both available in the mid-80’s. I’ve seen talk of a C80 with a focal length of 1000mm but I can’t document it. That one may be a later model. There’s another thread here that has pictures from a Celestron catalogue that shows the Firstscope 80 on the alt-az/wooden tripod version that I have and which I think is the CB-80. There’s also a picture of the same OTA on an EQ mount that they call the C80.
Here’s a thread that pretty much confirms that mine is the CB-80. Mine looks exactly like this with the same specs.
My CB80/Firstscope 80 is a nice scope with quality lenses (for 1985) but it’s not an APO. I tried it for astrophotographry with an ASI294MC-Pro and it had pretty bad blue haloes around the stars but, except for that, produced good images. It’s a great visual scope.
Mark T.