Hey all,
Posting this in hopes it helps those that are just getting started with an ASIAir or thinking about getting one. By no means are these the only ways to do things, just ways I've found that work for my setup. There's a good many "how do I do xyz?" posts on the topic but they are all over and mixed answers with folks giving it a good trial and error approach. Hopefully this can bring together working lessons learned a bit. Please chime in with your particular configurations that have worked for you. Mount related items only apply to my experience with an AVX, but should be pretty similar for other Celestron Nextstar mounts...
Some lessons learned/tips about items I've seen posted a number of times:
1) Your guide and imaging cameras should plug direct into the ASIAir's usb ports. The marketing pictures often show the guide cam going into the imaging cam's usb hub and the imaging cam into the ASIAir. While I'm not sure if this will work (anyone tried?), ZWO responded to an email on this stating both cameras should individually go to the Air's hub rather than the imaging cam hub. Perhaps incorrect marketing images on this one.
2) No need to plug into the guide cam's guide port or to connect that to the guide port on the mount (noted for AVX and most likely other Nexstar mounts.. not sure on other brands).. For Nexstar mounts, the Air plugs direct into the bottom of the HC's usb or rs-232 port depending on model. If rs-232, you'll need connector cables to go from rs-232->serial->usb. This handles your Goto and guide control commands for the mount.
3) For Nexstar, I would suggest ensuring you have the latest HC/mount updates to your firmware. I had an old (few years past) version on the HC and the Air just would not connect. Updated to the Jan 2019 firmware and everything worked. Not sure what version it would have started working on, but should work fine with Jan 2019.
4) For those with an AVX/CGX/CGEM mount and using 1.08 of the app, you should be able to select "Celestron Nexstar" as the mount type. Sounds like older versions required users to sometimes select "Synscan" instead- this may still work for some folks but doesn't work anymore on my config. Also from screenshots it looks like the upcoming 1.09 version of the app splits this out a little further with specific AVX etc mount listings.. will be interesting to see how the updates turn out.
5) When you update your ASIAir app, it will also update the Air's firmware on the device to the latest.
6) The Air's base power usage is usually around 500ma but could use up to 2.5A depending on everything you have plugged into it. Be sure to use the 12v/5v converter they provide and you can easily power one of these up with something like a Talentcell battery for quite some time.
7) For those considering a Chromebook, get one that runs Android apps and you are good to go. You can run the ASIAir app as well as SkySafari and handle your imaging needs (excluding post processing) via your Chromebook.
8) Not personally tried this one but seems like some have had success: If you wish to be some physical distance from the ASIAir and you are getting a weak wifi signal, you can hook it to a standard wifi range extender and then hook your laptop/tablet/phone etc into that to give you the added range. No the Air does not connect direct to your home network and internet connection. Just needs a local network between your device and the Air itself.
9) While the Air does plate solving and it notes the Synscan option, if used for your mount, requires minimum 2 star alignment (others do not require it)- it's helpful to either do that or at least a quick align on your mount prior to starting up SkySafari. Then plate solve away. Just seems quicker and more accurate on first plate solve this way. At least for me, I don't bother doing the "Sync from phone" in the AsiAir app either. It doesn't seem to be accurate or make any difference when working with SkySafair and plate solving after doing a normal 2star alignment.
10) Starsense- I've yet to test out my own Starsense on this but some folks have seemed to get it working while I've seen others saying they've had errors on the Starsense HC. Theoretically however if you don't get errors on the Starsense HC, you should be good to go. Essentially the plate solving info the Starsense does, needs to get into the HC for the Air and SkySafair to make any use of it. Would love to hear more experiences on this front.
11) More of an FYI: The Air is currently only supporting ZWO cameras (version 1.08 of their apps), but their Facebook AsiAir group does show 1.09 is on the way and does have some dslr support.
Also a general note to acknowledge that there are a number of similar products on the market (Stellar mate, primaluce's device etc) but they may have a different audience and focus than the air, so let's keep this one on the Air's tips if possible.
So just some starting items for now. I'll add more as I come across them. Please add your own items that have worked with your rig's details to help everyone out.
Good star hunting to you all!
Edited by Dreams4000, 06 March 2019 - 12:58 AM.