I have the EM-10 and it rides well on the Tak tripod. I like everything about it. The older Tak FC-100 completes the package and it is fine.
When I got the FS-128 of my dreams I was told by the folks in Takitis that it is possible to use the 128 on that EM-10 if I were to get the em-200 legs and hub. I had a line on that tripod locally but the seller decide to hang onto it.
Still planning the right mount for the 128 but taking my time as I do not want to undermount anything much less the sweet 128.........of course the EM-200 would work well.......Saw some really nice EM mounts at Neaf
At Neaf Scott Losmandy said that the GM-8 could work for the 128 but the GM-11 is only an extra 10 pounds and it would be better so he would go with the GM-11 cant argue with that.....
below see the FC-100 on the EM-10 see the inventory tag on the EM-10 close up
Edited by Defenderslideguitar, 11 April 2019 - 07:12 PM.