Many people know about open cluster NGC 6823 in Vulpecula. Fewer know of Sharpless 2-86 (aka NGC 6820), which happens to be co-located with the cluster.
The SkySafari hydrogen alpha Milky Way layer shows a pitchfork shaped cloud at this location, and much of it can be teased out over 2 degrees in the NV eyepiece, one of the more challenging nebula.
My best view of this was in the Takahashi Epsilon e180, which had a more favorable mix of aperture and speed than the 130mm refractor. My notes from a 2019 observation in the SQM 20.5 back yard:
Sep 29, 2018 Epsilon, Home: A fairly small cluster that would perhaps be better in a larger scope. A dozen stars perhaps visible in the Epsilon. The real treat is popping in 12nm filter in seeing the nebular there. It’s even easier to see with the 7nm.