is still available via Nikon-Patch:
and the support forum:
Posted 07 January 2020 - 10:52 AM
Posted 07 January 2020 - 04:37 PM
What imaging software are people using with the patches? I've not loaded the menu based patch into my D800 but the RAM patch disabled the API for Backyard Nikon so I wasn't able to use the program with it.
Posted 07 January 2020 - 06:20 PM
Digicam Control will work with the patched firmware:
Astroart 7 also:
There may be others, but I have tested the above.
Edited by DuncanM, 07 January 2020 - 06:21 PM.
Posted 07 January 2020 - 08:27 PM
The RAM based will usually render most software useless. APT is among them too, so is Maxim DL.
Digicamcontrol will work but it is very buggy and unreliable. Sometimes it just "misbehaves". I had some real grievances with it and my D5100.
I got my hands on the original firmware for the my camera, hacked it on the nikonhcaker link above and swapped it to the D5100 permanently. Now it works with proper astro-software like APT, NINA, Maxim DL etc.
Posted 07 January 2020 - 09:20 PM
I use DigiCamControl for my hacked D800. Like Gusztav said, it's buggy. So I stick to a stable version (once I found one) and never upgrade it. This works for me.
Unfortunately there are no hacked firmware for newer Nikon. Later Nikon cameras have improved linearity and black clipping, so probably 95% of users will not notice any problems. But the raw files are nevertheless still cooked. If someone can come up with new hacking, it will be great. I can live with just using DigiCamControl or even with just a remote cable, but I don't like cooked raw files.
Posted 07 January 2020 - 10:26 PM
Nikon SDK (which BYN, APT, etc. use) does not like hacked firmware thus won't work.
DigicamControl is using the native DSLR PTP communication intrinsic protocol thus not affected.
I think D5100/D7000 type were the end of the Nikonhacker era. Nikon had since changed the firmware's underlying embedded OS to VxWorks which is very hard to decrypt. No code to study means no way to inject new code segments into the firmware base.
Posted 07 January 2020 - 10:58 PM
That's too bad.
Posted 27 April 2020 - 07:55 PM
Sorry to pile on months after the last post.
So using the menu based nikonhacker astro firmware on a D800, will APT still be able to control the camera?
Also, will the hack affect the NEF raw files such that Deep Sky Stacker will no longer be able to read them?
These are questions I am pondering as I consider buying a D800 for astro.
Any experience or insights with the above would be appreciated.
Posted 15 May 2020 - 05:01 PM
Sorry to pile on months after the last post.
So using the menu based nikonhacker astro firmware on a D800, will APT still be able to control the camera?
Also, will the hack affect the NEF raw files such that Deep Sky Stacker will no longer be able to read them?
These are questions I am pondering as I consider buying a D800 for astro.
Any experience or insights with the above would be appreciated.
I don't know about the D800, but the D5100 the answer is a solid no for both questions.
Posted 18 May 2020 - 02:50 PM
Hello, I tried to use the NikonHacker with my D800 and Maxim 6.20 and the camera disconnects after taking the image. I assume the take away from this thread is that it will not work. Seems like it was tested with Maxim version 5....
Posted 18 May 2020 - 04:41 PM
Certain hacks (camera feature modified) broke the Nikon SDK (camera control API)
and Maxlm-DL's Nikon DSLR camera control is using the Nikon SDK. That is most likely the reason you saw what you saw.
P.S., Maxlm's website stated the camera images still can be processed by Maxlm.
Posted 18 May 2020 - 04:49 PM
My hacked D5100 worked with Astroart 7's camera control, but I didn't have a chance to test the D800/D810 with the hack.
Posted 19 May 2020 - 08:19 AM
Higher level abstract is Nikon Camera Control API (Nikon SDK) where some astro software uses.
<-- but some selected firmware hack features broken Nikon SDK
Lower level fundamental Nikon camera control is the PTP. Some astro software uses it (e.g., Digicam Control and perhaps Astroart 7.)
<-- PTP is not affected by the hack
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