Ron, your lefty case is doubly interesting in that it has the older-style way in which the door met the case. Those updated leather cases appeared around 1968. Around 1970 or so, Questar modified the case slightly by adding a little flare on the top portion of the lid and removed the ridge on the top of the case door so that accessories at the top could slip out easier. Check out this Astromart listing for a 1968 Duplex for photos of the earlier version and this Astromart listing for a 1970 Standard Q with the modified top.
That your case appeared as late as 1983 is interesting. The position of the eyepiece pouch a bit further down also further suggests yours was a custom case.
I've kicked around the idea of taking an original English saddle leather case from the 1950s/1960s and going to a local leather or saddle shop to see if they could reproduce something as a custom job that mimicked those original cases as closely as possible. If so, I'd tell them to hang on to the plans/patterns in case others are interested in having something made for them, too.
I've also daydreamed about going to a custom cabinet builder and having something made out of wood.