Hi Tom! I'm glad you are finally getting your AT16-RCT well collimated. Perseverance pays off. Well done!

GSO 16 inch RC - collimate with an Autocollimator?
Posted 21 April 2021 - 02:19 PM
- Tom Gwilym and xthestreams like this
Posted 21 April 2021 - 02:23 PM
It's still got a little way to go before it's perfect (I don't expect it ever to be perfect, but close!). I think I'm getting closer to understanding this thing, or at least a much easier, no tools needed, way to get it to a good starting point for a star test. I still want to be friends with this scope, but it sure has it's guard up for sure. Ha!
Hi Tom! I'm glad you are finally getting your AT16-RCT well collimated. Perseverance pays off. Well done!
- xthestreams likes this
Posted 04 May 2021 - 06:26 PM
Hey Tom, glad to see things moving in the right direction. Have you made any further progress?
Posted 28 July 2021 - 05:07 PM
Following up again, I’m curious to see how the saga ends!
- Tom Gwilym likes this
Posted 28 July 2021 - 10:47 PM
Still moving forward! I haven't messed with the mirrors lately, I do see that the top left of the frame still needs some work, but overall it's looking very good. Again, this is using the method with only centering your pupil in the secondary, making sure everything is round, then fine tune with the camera using a DSI method.
I've also moved forward wtih getting an improved autoguidng setup. New larger pixel/sensor camera - ASI174MM Mini and an OAG with a much larger prism. I'm also looking into a LED light panel of some sort to take flat field frames with. You can see there is some vignetting/gradient/dust blobs in the photo attached, but I'm getting there!
The only delay currently is the weather. Our skies have been clear, but the smoke from fires in Canada have been very bad.
Here is one of the best of the recent images. NGC7331 (one of my favorite targets!). The top left quadrant sill could use some secondary adjustments, but other than that I'm a lot happier with the image overall.
Following up again, I’m curious to see how the saga ends!
- Terry White, xthestreams and nebulachadnezzer like this
Posted 29 July 2021 - 08:45 AM
Stunning result!
agree another night under the stars and you should be done with fettling, but also agree it’s best to enjoy some really solid data as a reward before venturing back.
don’t discount the value of sky flats and/or dome flats
Posted 29 July 2021 - 11:37 PM
Yeah, it looks great! Just over look the background and the stars at the top left.
Here is a link to the method I used to collimate - https://drive.google...z0M?usp=sharing
(Hopefully that works with anyone interested in seeing it)
Stunning result!
agree another night under the stars and you should be done with fettling, but also agree it’s best to enjoy some really solid data as a reward before venturing back.
don’t discount the value of sky flats and/or dome flats