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$70 Svbony 8-24 mm zoom

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#1 Tailspin45


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 12:00 PM

Svbony's Aliexpress store gave me a 8-24mm zoom eyepiece to review. My thoughts:





First impression: It's huge! With seven big pieces of glass in four groups, the SV171 is a 'serious piece of kit’. What all that heft gets you is very good optics with very good eye relief at a modest $60 (oops, $70) price.





It's twice as heavy as the lovely little $50 Svbony 7-21mm zoom, but it weighs less than, say, an ASI1600 camera, so any good astrophotography mount will have no trouble handling it.





I went looking for optical problems but didn't find much. It's parfocal from end to end, and the eye relief is comfortable (spec says 19.5 to 16mm).  I found only slight astigmatism (predictably a bit more on my ƒ/4 newt than my ƒ/10 refractor) but it wasn't enough to detect in either scope while observing the moon. Brightness, contrast, and color fringing are comparable and perhaps a little better than my Meade Series 4000 fixed focal length oculars. Using a building with lots of windows and railings about a mile away I didn't see any evidence of distortion, and when I panned across Jupiter with it at the edge of the field the planet didn't show any elongation.


Two minor complaints: the twist zoom is rather stiff and the large barrel makes tightening the eyepiece holder screws awkward. I assume the stiffness will improve with use, and I solved the screw problem by simply not inserting the eyepiece quite as far.





All in all, in my view, the Svbony 8-24 zoom is an excellent value thanks to very good quality and a remarkably low price. 


I really like using it for star alignment even though it doesn't have cross hairs. At 24mm it's almost like a finder, and at 8mm--even with approximate centering—it makes syncing my mount reasonably precise. In fact, these new eyepieces are so good that I'm inclined to say that a zoom and a Barlow are all you need these days. Sure, if you're in the league of exceptional ($$$) amateurs doing serious observing, that won't be true, but for hobby astronomers on a budget I think a case can be made.


Thank you Svbony Aliexpress for letting me try out your new zoom.

Edited by Tailspin45, 21 August 2020 - 06:36 PM.

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#2 Second Time Around

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Posted 21 August 2020 - 12:43 PM

Thanks for the report. I've the 7-21mm version on the way to me to give to one of my granddaughters.

With the 8-24mm what's the diameter of the top please?

Edited by Second Time Around, 21 August 2020 - 12:53 PM.

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#3 MarkGregory


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 01:23 PM

For $60.00 I’ll buy one just for the fun of it. Might be nice for outreach when the Virus pandemic is over.

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#4 LDW47


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 01:37 PM

All the Svbony equipment I have is of great quality and performance vs the $ value ! I’m seriously looking at the 30mm - 10mm model zoom although the FOV is shown as 32° - 51° I believe.

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#5 LDW47


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 01:39 PM

I’m getting caught up in this zoom fever and I’m not a zoom guy, lol !

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#6 Tailspin45


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 01:58 PM

With the 8-24mm what's the diameter of the top please?

2 1/8"

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#7 Second Time Around

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Posted 21 August 2020 - 01:59 PM

Many thanks, Tailspin.
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#8 Tailspin45


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 02:00 PM

I’m seriously looking at the 30mm - 10mm model zoom although the FOV is shown as 32° - 51° I believe.

For comparison, this 8-24mm's field of view is 38º to 56º

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#9 LDW47


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 02:12 PM



For comparison, this 8-24mm's field of view is 38º to 56º

When you do the math to compare them they are very close in specs but the brightness factor for the 30-10 is half as much again than the 24-8, they are 0.38 vs 0.24, thats about it basicly.  And the weight difference !

Edited by LDW47, 21 August 2020 - 02:13 PM.

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#10 Scoobs231


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 02:24 PM

At last a review of this eyepiece!  I ordered the 7-21mm Svbony zoom due to the good reviews and a particularly low price, but yet to check it out.  I noticed this 8-24 mm Svbony zoom recently too and it is intriguing.  Not a clone of anything else I can see either.   I wonder how it compares to the 7-21mm and the Baader zoom?

#11 aeajr


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 02:37 PM



Thanks for a great review.  I am very much a zoom guy.  I have the Celestron 8-24, about the same price of the SVBony, and the Baader Hyperion 8-24 which is much more expensive.


Do you have or have you used either of these zooms?  If so, I would be interested in a comparison.   I am not in the market for another zoom but I work with a lot of new people and have often recommended the Celestron or the very similar Meade zoom.   Wondering how this would compare. 

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#12 Tailspin45


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 02:58 PM

Do you have or have you used either of these zooms? [Celestron, Meade, Baader 8-24 zoom]

I've used all three in the same scope, for the sake of comparison.


The Celestron and Meade (same manufacturer) are the lightest of the three and have a couple of degrees more field of videw (60º to 40º), but its not enough to notice. The edges don't appear as sharp as the other two. The only place that seems to have the Celestron in stock these days is Aliexpress, and the Meade isn't made anymore as far as I can tell. I didn't think the Celestron view was quite as bright or crisp as the Svbony or Baader, but YMMV.


The Svbony and Baader are about the same size and weight. The view appeared to be identical; a quantitative assessment might tell a different tale but I couldn't see a difference.


For my money, literally, the Svbony 8-24 is an easy winner. And the Svbony 7-21 is too, thanks to its svelt little package, Haven't used the Svbony 10-30 so can't speak to that.


Do you concur with my comparison between the Celestron and Baader? I only had one opportunity to compare them.

Edited by Tailspin45, 21 August 2020 - 03:22 PM.

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#13 LDW47


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 07:16 PM

I ordered the 30-10 to compare with my other 3, at one time I never thought I would own more than my older Meade, lol ! I guess I am just bored, lol ! And I do like the Svbony line.

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#14 Tailspin45


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Posted 22 August 2020 - 03:26 PM

 At 24mm it's almost like a finder, and at 8mm--even with approximate centering—it makes syncing my mount reasonably precise.

The way I wrote the sentence above in my original post may be misleading . I can't edit that post, but I want to be sure you know about an odd characteristics of all zoom eyepieces.


The field of view increases as the focal length gets shorter (and magnification goes up), not the other way around.


So, at low magnification and 24mm, where you would expect a wide field, the Svbony SV171 zoom has an apparent field of view of 40º but it's 56º at 8mm.


There certainly nothing wrong with that field of view, its typical of 8-24 zooms, but it's not wide angle, never mind ultra wide angle as this eyepieces was listed someplace recently. 


My badly stated point was that with the higher magnification it's easier to center the star and sync the mount white keeping the star in view the whole time.

Edited by Tailspin45, 22 August 2020 - 03:48 PM.

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#15 aeajr


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Posted 22 August 2020 - 04:00 PM

I've used all three in the same scope, for the sake of comparison.

The Celestron and Meade (same manufacturer) are the lightest of the three and have a couple of degrees more field of videw (60º to 40º), but its not enough to notice. The edges don't appear as sharp as the other two. The only place that seems to have the Celestron in stock these days is Aliexpress, and the Meade isn't made anymore as far as I can tell. I didn't think the Celestron view was quite as bright or crisp as the Svbony or Baader, but YMMV.

The Svbony and Baader are about the same size and weight. The view appeared to be identical; a quantitative assessment might tell a different tale but I couldn't see a difference.

For my money, literally, the Svbony 8-24 is an easy winner. And the Svbony 7-21 is too, thanks to its svelt little package, Haven't used the Svbony 10-30 so can't speak to that.

Do you concur with my comparison between the Celestron and Baader? I only had one opportunity to compare them.

I find the Baader to be noticeably wider but the difference is not huge. I find the Baader to be Mechanically smoother an the overall image to be better but not the 4x better reflected in the price.

I find it very intered that you put the SVBony on par with the Baader. I am tempted to buy one for comparison purposes.

Edited by aeajr, 22 August 2020 - 04:08 PM.

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#16 Tailspin45


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Posted 22 August 2020 - 04:08 PM

 I am tempted to buy one for comparison purposes.

I hope you do! Perhaps someone else with a Baader will buy one too so we'd have a more comprehensive set of opinions?


I just wish there was an easy (cheap) way to put some quantitative numbers on an eyepiece comparison besides FoV and eye relief.

Edited by Tailspin45, 22 August 2020 - 04:10 PM.

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#17 LDW47


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Posted 22 August 2020 - 04:15 PM

The way I wrote the sentence above in my original post may be misleading . I can't edit that post, but I want to be sure you know about an odd characteristics of all zoom eyepieces.


The field of view increases as the focal length gets shorter (and magnification goes up), not the other way around.


So, at low magnification and 24mm, where you would expect a wide field, the Svbony SV171 zoom has an apparent field of view of 40º but it's 56º at 8mm.


There certainly nothing wrong with that field of view, its typical of 8-24 zooms, but it's not wide angle, never mind ultra wide angle as this eyepieces was listed someplace recently. 


My badly stated point was that with the higher magnification it's easier to center the star and sync the mount white keeping the star in view the whole time.

Yes but with many ST’s you still get between 1.5° - 2° TFOV @ 24mm, still not bad !

Edited by LDW47, 23 August 2020 - 03:19 PM.

#18 The Luckster

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Posted 24 August 2020 - 12:35 PM

At last a review of this eyepiece!  I ordered the 7-21mm Svbony zoom due to the good reviews and a particularly low price, but yet to check it out.  I noticed this 8-24 mm Svbony zoom recently too and it is intriguing.  Not a clone of anything else I can see either.   I wonder how it compares to the 7-21mm and the Baader zoom?

Couple of questions:


What's the weight of the 7-21?  Online specs state just under 5 oz.

And, is the top (under the eyecup) threaded for AP?







Edited by The Luckster, 24 August 2020 - 12:35 PM.

#19 Tailspin45


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Posted 24 August 2020 - 01:40 PM

Couple of questions:


What's the weight of the 7-21?

I weighed with a kitchen scale at 5.20 oz.. The 8-24mm, for comparison, weighed 10.95 oz.




And, is the top (under the eyecup) threaded for AP?

Apparently not. The eye cup doesn't seem to be removable, much less threaded

Edited by Tailspin45, 24 August 2020 - 01:47 PM.

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#20 Heitman



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Posted 24 August 2020 - 02:12 PM


The eye cup is removable, but no threads underneath. There is some adhesive on the eye cup, but it'll come off. If you decide to remove it, make sure you hold on to the small ring just under the eye cup, so it doesn't move.

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#21 Tailspin45


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Posted 24 August 2020 - 02:17 PM

 There is some adhesive on the eye cup, but it'll come off.

Oh, right, I figured as much. But since it was fastened somehow, it clearly wasn't intended to come off so I assumed there weren't threads underneath. (I did try unscrewing it, by the way.)

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#22 Heitman



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Posted 24 August 2020 - 02:55 PM

I was able to put a Dioptrx on top after removing the eye cup and replaced it with a 40mm eye cup turned upside down, and I had to thin the rubber eye cup a little because it was too thick. It was a little work, but worth it. Plenty of eye relief to use the Dioptrx, and it fits snug on the rubber, but you can pull it off. I'm not using it on an equatorial mounted scope, so I don't worry about it.

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#23 Second Time Around

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Posted 24 August 2020 - 04:15 PM

I was able to put a Dioptrx on top after removing the eye cup and replaced it with a 40mm eye cup turned upside down, and I had to thin the rubber eye cup a little because it was too thick. It was a little work, but worth it. Plenty of eye relief to use the Dioptrx, and it fits snug on the rubber, but you can pull it off. I'm not using it on an equatorial mounted scope, so I don't worry about it.


If it can be adapted to take a Dioptrx it's even more interesting.


Could you do a link to the 40mm eyecup please?



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#24 Heitman



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Posted 24 August 2020 - 04:32 PM


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#25 Second Time Around

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Posted 24 August 2020 - 04:34 PM

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