This is the only pic of my TS-50, unfortunately... and I had it set up much of the year. Too busy having fun with it to take pics I suppose! It's put away for the winter now.
The throughput is better than the Swift 838, probably due to better coatings, but not by much. But fainter stars are visible in the Tak. The image is outstanding, at 50mm the uncorrected color is not worth mentioning. And the mount just blows everything else in it's class out of the water. Solid, precise.
Takahashi was a pattern maker and operated his own foundry before expanding into telescope manufacturing, he supplied castings and possibly machined assemblies to Swift and others such as Technical Instrument Corp. In my book, that gives them Tak DNA. 
This is my new top pick 50mm, and it took a Tak to displace the Swift 838 and Micronta 50mm as my favorites in this aperture. They still have their charms, as well as achromatic perfection, but the Tak is a cut above.
The camera bracket isn't attached in this shot. I have the standard Tak bracket as well as a tiny little pan/tilt head that a prior owner added to the kit. This scope is a delight for quick looks at the moon, sun, and planets, as well as the perfect scope for double stars from the backyard in summer. It is a really good match for the Lunt 1.25" wedge.
Note the early version of the finder, before Tak abandoned the objective cell and made it integral to the tube itself. Same optics. I like this more traditional version, it matches the character of the main scope.