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CNers have asked about a donation box for Cloudy Nights over the years, so here you go. Donation is not required by any means, so please enjoy your stay.


Change in Feedback Forum location

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#1 nicknacknock


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 01:04 AM

The admin team has decided to move the Feedback forum to the Announcements Section as Feedback ties in more with the theme of Announcements and News, since Feedback Forum includes a lot of explanations as to how CN works. 


The new menu structure of the Section is:

  • Announcements
  • Feedback
  • Discussion of CN Articles
  • Celestial Events


Another driver for the move of the Feedback Forum, is that it should have more visibility since many members and especially new ones will be able to find it easier / be more aware of it; and by use of the search function, usually find a quick answer to any question since in all probability it has been asked before.


Thank you all & stay safe!

CNers have asked about a donation box for Cloudy Nights over the years, so here you go. Donation is not required by any means, so please enjoy your stay.

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