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Development - ASI Air Pro driver injection

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#1 joeytroy


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Posted 09 February 2021 - 11:23 AM

So as the title says "Development". I have been poking the bear this morning and I was able to edit the internal operating system running on the ASI Air SD Card and was able to inject a driver to make the Rainbow RST-135 show up in the menu of the ASI Air software on my iPad. 


Before edit



After edit



Since I do not have a Rainbow RST-135 mount I have no way to see if this works but this could be the start of loading other drivers for mounts, cameras and possibly other focusers not currently supported by ASI Air.



So I recently popped for another SD Card so I could try out AstroBerry on my ZWO Asi Air and upon trying it out I was not very impressed by the speed or the UI (I have been spoiled by ZWO). Well the reason I did this is I wanted to see if I could get AstroBerry to power on and off the ports of the ASI Air Pro based on the following article https://www.cloudyni...functionality/. Anyways since I have both SD Cards for the AstroBerry and the ASI Air I started looking to see if I could reverse edit the ASI Air to support other drivers. 


How To

You will need some form of Linux box, I am using Ubuntu 20.04. So all I did was copied over the driver from the AstroBerry for the Rainbow RST-135 and moved it over to the ASI Air Pro. 


1. You will need to mount the drive on Ubuntu for ASI Air and the AstroBerry, it should look like this



The driver xml file which points to what driver to load is located in /usr/share/indi/driver.xml. I edited the driver.xml in gedit which will need to be run as sudo as you can not edit the file as a base user so I ran it from bash

# sudo gedit

and then I browsed to the file 'driver.xml to make the edit as it was on the AstroBerry inside the <devGroup group="Telescopes"> for the ASI Air

<device label="Rainbow RST-135" manufacturer="Rainbow Astro">
            <driver name="Rainbow">indi_rainbow_telescope</driver>

After that was completed I searched for 'indi_rainbow_telescope' and found the file it was calling was located in /usr/bin of the SD Card. I then copied the file from the AstroBerry and then moved it my home folder and then had to use sudo again to copy it to the ASI Air SD Card


***Make sure to change the a7965042-97e4-4b96-9a95-3a69314ea0f5 to whatever your SD Card path is

# sudo cp indi_rainbow_telescope /media/dev/a7965042-97e4-4b96-9a95-3a69314ea0f5/usr/bin/

Once that was all completed I ejected the SD Card and booted up my ASI Air and it loaded and showed up fine.


Now What?

Well I only own ZWO hardware right now so I can't test anything else.


So is there any guinea pigs that have an ASI Air Pro and some piece of hardware that doesn't work with it?


If so maybe we can work together to make some edits on the OS and see if we can get the ASI Air Pro to support other hardware. What you will need is a Linux box and also understand how to edit files and copy files. If you can do that we can try and see what we can do.

Edited by joeytroy, 09 February 2021 - 11:50 PM.

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#2 joeytroy


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Posted 09 February 2021 - 01:17 PM

So I decided to get crazy and just did a straight copy over of the /user/bin/indi/ and /usr/bin/. I overwrote everything from the indi but for the /usr/bin I just copied from one folder to the other and skipped over writing files. It still booted up and now the mount list is out of control and has a ton of mounts listed. My guess is other hardware will work now but again I don't have a way to test.

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#3 telfish



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Posted 09 February 2021 - 08:05 PM

Very interesting, be good to test on other cameras.

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#4 joeytroy


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Posted 09 February 2021 - 11:41 PM

As it stands I have been able to gain full root access to the ASI Air Pro but after running a 'sudo apt-get upgrade' I tanked the USB stick. I am working on restoring my base image I took when I first received my ASI Air Pro and also working on a full tutorial of all my steps. I should hopefully have another update tomorrow, or the day after depending on how things go.

#5 joeytroy


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 02:17 PM

Root Anyone?

To get started you will need to the following hardware


  • ASI Air SD Card
  • Computer with Linux that can read the SD card (I am using Ubuntu 20.04)
  • A separate Raspberry Pi that supports monitor and keyboard and network cable (I am using a Raspberry Pi B+)
  • A second Micro 32SD Card (optional, I have my stock ASI Air and development SD card I can wreck if need be)


Before we get rolling make sure your ASI Air Pro is updated to the newest version and you are connected to your local WiFi. I won't be going over that setup as I expect you know how to do this as this is in the experienced forum and this tutorial is for experienced users! As of the writing of this article, I am using ASI Air Pro 1.5.3 and using Firmware 7.29



I give no warranty to these steps I have tested this on my rig and it works, however, I also tanked my SD card and had to load a backup so again AT YOUR OWN RISK! I do not know what will happen when ZWO pushes an update this may all break! Also I am not going to be teaching users how to use Linux, I expect you to know how to use Linux and how to edit files in Linux as again this is posted in the experienced forum!






Now that you have been warned lets get back to being the nice guy and walk you through my tutorial waytogo.gif The first thing you need to do is plug in the ASI Air SD card into the Ubuntu computer. There should be three partitions that show up here is what mine looked like.




The second partition (8.0 GB Volume) is our system partition which we will be making all our edits and it looks like this for the folder structure





Now that you are backed up we need to edit a hand full of files. To do that we will work with Ubuntu's Text Editor and we need to run as sudo so we can write to the files as they are all on a read-only on the system partition on the SD Card

# sudo gedit

Once the text editor is opened we need to edit the following file /ect/passwd. Once we open the file on line 1 we need to remove the x from the password so the line looks like this. This will remove the password for the root account so we can log into the unit.


Once you make the changes save the file.



Next, we need to open /ect/ssh/sshd_config and on line 32 we need to edit the line to the following make sure to remove the # as that comments out the line. This will allow us to SSH to the ASI Air Pro through the command line.

PermitRootLogin yes

Once you make the changes save the file.



Now we need to setup DNS servers so we can resolve names on the internet. Please follow the instructions and create a file in /etc named resolv.conf.head here is a guide I followed. There is other options to try and do this however I exhausted about seven other guides and nothing worked except this option.



#Google DNS
#OpenDns Servers

Once you make the changes save the file.



Next, let's update the Rasbain servers so we can download packages from Rasbain. The file we need to update is /etc/apt/sources.list. On line 1 we need to uncomment the line. And on line 2 we want to comment. It should look like this as we are using buster and not stretch.

deb http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi
#deb http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi

Once you make the changes save the file.


At this point, we can eject the USB and boot it in our Rasberry Pi. Make sure you have a keyboard, mouse, and network connection to the device. Since my Pi doesn't have WiFi it tries to create the network connection so you need network connectivity or it will just boot loop on failed errors.


At this point after the boot is completed, we should be at a login prompt and should be able to log in to the root account


You should now be logged in and we want to type the following command to make the system writable

mount -rw -o remount /

Once the command is run we can now change the root password to whatever you want use something you won't forget


After the password is changed type in the following command


Once you have the IP address you should be able to SSH to the device from our Linux computer

ssh root@ipaddress

If all is working we should be at the command prompt, Now we want to make sure we can resolve names type in the following command

ping google.com



SUCCESS!! You now have a fully rooted ASI Air Pro SD Card. My recommendation is to do a full backup right now of the rooted SD card as that was a lot of work and it would be a shame if you lost it all.


I will post back as I make more head way but for how we have full root access!

Edited by joeytroy, 10 February 2021 - 05:36 PM.

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#6 joeytroy


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 05:21 PM

Drivers anyone?


Alright, so now that root is completed, let's see if we can support other devices. I am going to compile all the INDI 1.8.8 drivers from source code on the ASI Air Pro


First, boot up the ASI Air Pro with the SD Card it should still beep if all is working. Assuming you have the ASI Air added to your local WiFi you can connect to the ASI Air with your iPad/Android application. Once the software is launched click on the WiFi icon < WiFi Station Mode < Info button and it should show the IP Address of the ASI Air.  Now we want to connect to it.

ssh root@ipaddress

Now we want to make sure we still have access to the internet

ping google.com

Now we need to make sure the system has read/write capabilities

mount -rw -o remount /

Then we want to update the packages

sudo apt-get update

Now we want to compile the INDI drivers here is a link with all the information and commands you need to run




Once you have completed the INDI driver install you want to shut down the AIS Air through the WiFi icon and power it off and power it back on. Assuming all went as expected the ASI Air should boot back up. When I logged in it automatically changed my mount from EQMod Mount to EQ500X and I have the SkyWatcher EQM-35 Pro. So looks like the drivers may be better but I will need to do further testing to make sure this is not a fluke.





At this point, I need some testers as I don't have any other hardware I can test with my mount. Looks like we are maybe cooking with gas!!

Edited by joeytroy, 10 February 2021 - 05:22 PM.

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#7 telfish



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Posted 10 February 2021 - 05:37 PM

Looking good and thanks for this , be interesting to see if a QHY camera is recognized. I only have ZWO stuff so cant help unfortunately.

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#8 joeytroy


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 05:48 PM

Looking good and thanks for this , be interesting to see if a QHY camera is recognized. I only have ZWO stuff so cant help unfortunately.

Sadly I don't have any other cameras to test with. I do have my Logitech 4K pro webcam but the new version of the INDI driver 1.8.8 doesn't seem to have the indi-webcam like the main INDI site lists




I am seeing if I can find the source code and build this out onto the device as I was able to get the webcam to work on Astroberry with the ASI Air Pro. However the Astroberry is running some form of Linux and not raspbian buster like the ASI Air Pro runs so I can't add the repository as it's not supported.

#9 joeytroy


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 06:33 PM

ASI Air Pro Info Anyone?


root@asiair:~# sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      766/zwoair_guider  
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      581/zwoair_updater 
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1346/smbd          
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      766/zwoair_guider  
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      766/zwoair_guider  
tcp        0      0      *               LISTEN      420/sshd           
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      756/pigpiod        
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      786/zwoair_imager  
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1346/smbd          
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      766/zwoair_guider  
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      581/zwoair_updater 
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      786/zwoair_imager  
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      786/zwoair_imager



root@asiair:~# grep Revision /proc/cpuinfo
Revision : c03112


This means the ASI Air Pro is a Raspberry Pi 4B revision 1.2 with 4GB of RAM and the manufacture is Sony UK

Edited by joeytroy, 10 February 2021 - 06:36 PM.

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#10 AnakChan


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 07:06 PM

Drivers anyone?
Alright, so now that root is completed, let's see if we can support other devices. I am going to compile all the INDI 1.8.8 drivers from source code on the ASI Air Pro
First, boot up the ASI Air Pro with the SD Card it should still beep if all is working. Assuming you have the ASI Air added to your local WiFi you can connect to the ASI Air with your iPad/Android application. Once the software is launched click on the WiFi icon < WiFi Station Mode < Info button and it should show the IP Address of the ASI Air.  Now we want to connect to it.

ssh root@ipaddress
Now we want to make sure we still have access to the internet
ping google.com
Now we need to make sure the system has read/write capabilities
mount -rw -o remount /
Then we want to update the packages
sudo apt-get update
Now we want to compile the INDI drivers here is a link with all the information and commands you need to run
Once you have completed the INDI driver install you want to shut down the AIS Air through the WiFi icon and power it off and power it back on. Assuming all went as expected the ASI Air should boot back up. When I logged in it automatically changed my mount from EQMod Mount to EQ500X and I have the SkyWatcher EQM-35 Pro. So looks like the drivers may be better but I will need to do further testing to make sure this is not a fluke.
At this point, I need some testers as I don't have any other hardware I can test with my mount. Looks like we are maybe cooking with gas!!

Very nice work. You may wanna take a look at the /etc/at/sources.list as the last time I looked at it for the ASIAir Pro, it was directed to a Chinese site with the normal ones I'm used to commented out.

Sadly I don't have any other cameras to test with. I do have my Logitech 4K pro webcam but the new version of the INDI driver 1.8.8 doesn't seem to have the indi-webcam like the main INDI site lists
I am seeing if I can find the source code and build this out onto the device as I was able to get the webcam to work on Astroberry with the ASI Air Pro. However the Astroberry is running some form of Linux and not raspbian buster like the ASI Air Pro runs so I can't add the repository as it's not supported.

Actually Astroberry is Raspbian :-

pi@asiair:/ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster


astroberry@astroberry:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster

Edited by AnakChan, 10 February 2021 - 07:45 PM.

#11 joeytroy


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 07:12 PM

Actually Astroberry is Raspbian :-

pi@asiair:/ $ lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster

astroberry@astroberry:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster

Interesting because I was able to add the indi-web-cam on Astoberry and not on the ASI Air Pro?


Also the sources.list was pointing to deb 

http://raspbian.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi

originally when I edited the file. Which makes no sense as stretch is version 9 and buster is version 10?

Edited by joeytroy, 10 February 2021 - 07:14 PM.

#12 AnakChan


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 07:26 PM

This was the default ASIAir sources.list :-
pi@asiair:~ $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb http://raspbian.rasp...i.org/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi
deb http://mirrors.ustc....pbian/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi
#deb http://mirrors.ustc....pbian/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
#deb-src http://raspbian.rasp...i.org/raspbian/ buster main contrib non-free rpi

Edit: About the OS, I also doublechecked looking into os-release :-

pi@asiair:/ $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
astroberry@astroberry:~ $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Edited by AnakChan, 10 February 2021 - 07:43 PM.

#13 joeytroy


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Posted 11 February 2021 - 05:04 PM

Decided to crack open the beast and see what ZWO is hiding from us...well it's a USB power, HDMI ports and audio port that is what. I am thinking of purchasing the 8GB Pi model to replace the bottom base of the ZWO 4GB model https://www.amazon.c.../dp/B089ZSGF8M/ be intresting to see how much better it could work with 4 more GB of ram specially if I opt to play with AstroBerry some more. Still poking the beast and seeing if I can get other drivers to work...





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#14 AnakChan


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Posted 11 February 2021 - 06:35 PM

I believe the /boot/zwoair_license serial is an encrypted form of the Raspberry Pi’s /proc/cpuinfo Serial.

May wanna check out about how it’s encrypted before changing the Pi h/w.


P.S. If you do have another Pi already you could try swapping then change the zwoair_license SN to your new Pi Serial, but I don’t know if you still keep the “license” value the same if it still works. Note that the license file is used by the 3 main ZWO software :-


~pi/ASIAIR/bin/zwoair_guider zwoair_updater zwoair_imager binaries.


Other parts/aspects RaspbianOS, recompiled INDI 1.8.8, etc will still work naturally.

Edited by AnakChan, 11 February 2021 - 07:00 PM.

#15 DeanCN


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Posted 11 February 2021 - 11:56 PM

Joey, this may be of interest to you: https://tinyurl.com/38p3f4b6


I have the pi 4B+ 8Gb running SM OS which runs Raspbian OS 32bit and it is plenty good

enough for running KStars/Ekos.  You can get 64bit OS capability if you install Ubuntu

server and then install a desktop manager.  You would then have to git clone and build Indi / Kstars

yourself.  I haven't tried that but IMO the  main advantage in having a pi 4 is you can

chuck the microSD card and use a USB3 SSD drive for boot and rootfs.

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#16 joeytroy


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 09:18 AM

Joey, this may be of interest to you: https://tinyurl.com/38p3f4b6


I have the pi 4B+ 8Gb running SM OS which runs Raspbian OS 32bit and it is plenty good

enough for running KStars/Ekos.  You can get 64bit OS capability if you install Ubuntu

server and then install a desktop manager.  You would then have to git clone and build Indi / Kstars

yourself.  I haven't tried that but IMO the  main advantage in having a pi 4 is you can

chuck the microSD card and use a USB3 SSD drive for boot and rootfs.

Interesting. The down side to your setup is the 32bit so you are only using 4gb of the 8gb of RAM. I may pop for the 8gb this weekend and rebuild it with the ASI Air case and see what I can do. The nice nice thing is the ASI Air 12v board they built so it keeps the rig setup still very small and allows power. And with running Ubuntu server and remoting in with a browser would be slick with the 8GB of ram for more speed.

#17 joeytroy


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Posted 12 February 2021 - 06:04 PM

So you want to change the default 12345678 password for the ASI Air Wi-Fi?


For this mod you do not need to root access. Simple mount the SD card on an Ubuntu system so you can read the partitions. Then browser to the 252MB partition it should look like this




Next you will open the following file /ASIAir/bin/zwoair_ap_led.sh


Fly down to line 205 and 206 and you can simple change the password to what ever you want from 12345678





Once you make the changes save the file and boot up your ASI Air with the SDCard. Once it boots up use a paper clip and do a reset till the lights blinks and then let go. Once the WiFi boots back up your new password will take effect.



#18 nikivan


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 01:04 AM

Drivers anyone?


At this point, I need some testers as I don't have any other hardware I can test with my mount. Looks like we are maybe cooking with gas!!

Hey, this is great info. I have a focuser I've built myself from the MyFocuser2Pro project. I'd be very interested in adding it to the list of devices supported by my ASIAIR Pro. Please let me know what commands I'd have to execute to make this happen. Thanks.

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#19 joeytroy


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 06:15 AM

Hey, this is great info. I have a focuser I've built myself from the MyFocuser2Pro project. I'd be very interested in adding it to the list of devices supported by my ASIAIR Pro. Please let me know what commands I'd have to execute to make this happen. Thanks.



The drivers INDI which is included on the ASIAIR is 1.7.8 and you need 1.8.2. You need to do a full backup and then follow my steps to root the device and then you would need to install the drivers. I have walkthroughs on each. 


The issue I am seeing right now is looking through all the ZWO scripts is they are stopping the INDI Server by default which is stopping the loading of the driver. A guess I have right now is the ZWO apps on the SD card are loading specific INDI drivers based on version number. After upgrading the INDI drivers to 1.8.8 it showed newer drivers for my mount. After further testing I could not get my mount to connect. I am still working on this and seeing if it’s possible to inject. I’ll reach out to you if and when I get closer. Again this is all development at this time but hopefully I’ll make some more head way.

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#20 nikivan


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 04:42 PM



The drivers INDI which is included on the ASIAIR is 1.7.8 and you need 1.8.2. You need to do a full backup and then follow my steps to root the device and then you would need to install the drivers. I have walkthroughs on each. 


The issue I am seeing right now is looking through all the ZWO scripts is they are stopping the INDI Server by default which is stopping the loading of the driver. A guess I have right now is the ZWO apps on the SD card are loading specific INDI drivers based on version number. After upgrading the INDI drivers to 1.8.8 it showed newer drivers for my mount. After further testing I could not get my mount to connect. I am still working on this and seeing if it’s possible to inject. I’ll reach out to you if and when I get closer. Again this is all development at this time but hopefully I’ll make some more head way.

Thank you. Perhaps you've seen this article? It covers different topic, but it shows how to obtain SSH root access, kernel update, and some DNS manipulations.


#21 joeytroy


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Posted 15 February 2021 - 05:15 AM

Thank you. Perhaps you've seen this article? It covers different topic, but it shows how to obtain SSH root access, kernel update, and some DNS manipulations.


This does the exact thing except I haven’t tried to do a rip-update 




Ill be spending some time to look at the scripts some more and also see if ASI Air is using FIFO to load INDI drivers




the other thing I’m going to try is use an Android device over my iPad and decompile the apk and see if they are doing anything in the app to limit devices that way.

Edited by joeytroy, 15 February 2021 - 05:55 AM.

#22 nikivan


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Posted 15 February 2021 - 11:14 PM

This does the exact thing except I haven’t tried to do a rip-update 




Ill be spending some time to look at the scripts some more and also see if ASI Air is using FIFO to load INDI drivers




the other thing I’m going to try is use an Android device over my iPad and decompile the apk and see if they are doing anything in the app to limit devices that way.

So, I've added the INDI driver for MyFocuserPro2, as per the instructions, but unfortunately, it doesn't show in the app. I wonder if it is possible to intercept the traffic between the app and the box. This way we could see if the server is sending the entire list of devices, which then the app filters based on it's own logic.

#23 AnakChan


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 06:11 AM

I'm gonna take a stab at this.

IMO, the reason why the MyFocuserPro2 INDI driver doesn't show up in the ASIAir app is because for focusers, it is not looking at drivers.xml, and therefore doesn't know about the MyFocuserPro2 INDI driver. The ASIAir focuser routine is in the zwo_imager/guider daemons which are talking natively to the the ASI EAF rather than via INDI. AFAIK, the ASIAir app leverages on the INDI drivers primarily for mounts. You can see in the /usr/share/indi/drivers.xml there are already a whole bunch of other cameras/focusers that's a part of the INDI-core which don't pop up in the ASIAir app. So for focusers, main/guide cameras, the zwo_imager/guider daemons talk native directly to the devices.


I'm actually not certain if it's possible to integrate 3rd party product drivers into the ASIAir app (without access to their source code). However a possibility would be to have dual applications - KStars/EKOS and ASI Air app and switch back 'n forth depending on what you're setting up/prep. That's personally too tedious for my tastes.

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#24 joeytroy


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 07:33 AM

I'm gonna take a stab at this.

IMO, the reason why the MyFocuserPro2 INDI driver doesn't show up in the ASIAir app is because for focusers, it is not looking at drivers.xml, and therefore doesn't know about the MyFocuserPro2 INDI driver. The ASIAir focuser routine is in the zwo_imager/guider daemons which are talking natively to the the ASI EAF rather than via INDI. AFAIK, the ASIAir app leverages on the INDI drivers primarily for mounts. You can see in the /usr/share/indi/drivers.xml there are already a whole bunch of other cameras/focusers that's a part of the INDI-core which don't pop up in the ASIAir app. So for focusers, main/guide cameras, the zwo_imager/guider daemons talk native directly to the devices.


I'm actually not certain if it's possible to integrate 3rd party product drivers into the ASIAir app (without access to their source code). However a possibility would be to have dual applications - KStars/EKOS and ASI Air app and switch back 'n forth depending on what you're setting up/prep. That's personally too tedious for my tastes.

I think it’s double fold. I believe the issue is the application on Android / iPhone is causing it and the ZWO daemons as well. Last night I installed INDI 1.8.8 and also all the 3rd party drivers and my eq-35 pro still did not work even though it’s part of the 3rd party drivers




I believe the ZWO daemons are only allowing the 1.7.8 indiserver to run which limits a lot of working hardware that could be supported in the INDI core drivers. The other possibility is that the 3rd party drivers also recommend to only install the specific driver you need as there could be other library files required


While you can build all the 3rd party drivers and libraries at once, it is typically recommended to build/install each 3rd party driver as required, since each 3rd party driver may have its own pre-requisites and requirements, and you probably don't need all the drivers.


So today I’m going to restore my memory card back to the backup rooted card I have with the INDI 1.7.8 and just install the indi-webcam driver and see if I can’t get that working. Again it maybe also Android/iPhone related as well so I will be looking at the Android apk as well to see what it’s calling when you choose the drop down for a device. Its possible by decompiling the apk it can be modified to look at the driver.xml for the camera, focuser, and focus wheel in the drop down.


Again the bigger issue is the INDI server version not being allowed to update past 1.7.8 so again it will limit many pieces of hardware that are built into the core INDI. However since I have not seen what one of the update files from ZWO updates looks like, it’s possible ZWO is slowly updating the INDI sever overtime as recently there was changes to the drivers for the CEM and GEM mounts so this maybe an update that is required by ZWO as well?




I’ll be looking at the stock ZWO image today to see what version of INDI server it was running at that time to see if in fact ZWO is slowly updating the INDI server and also seeing if I can pull down an update package and shut off the ASI Air so I can look at the file it downloads and what ZWO is doing.


Should be an interesting day of poking the bear. I’ll report back what I find.

Edited by joeytroy, 16 February 2021 - 07:34 AM.

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#25 joeytroy


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 01:29 PM

Spent the better part of 6 hours working on this and made no head way. After just trying to just inject the https://github.com/i...ter/indi-webcam drivers it still does not work. I suspect that to be able to get full control of the ASI Air application we need access to the ZWO daemons to make a full edit. Looking at the APK also after I decompiled it I was not able to pinpoint the code location change to point to to the drivers.xml. Hopefully others will play with this and make some more head way than I did. For now I will keep an eye on this post and wait...

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