For INDI there is also KStars Android application but it's pretty poorly designed and it's not user friendly at all and doesn't work on all devices. I had to find an older version to work on my Google Nexus 6 which is all stock Android?!?!?! I was thinking of looking at the code to play around with it but again I spend 100% of my time on the ASIAir and I own all ZWO equipment. I am sure other manufactures offer solid stuff but it's all I know, like IKON who spent all that money on their name (I Know One Name) and it's how I feel about ZWO, nothing I have seen so far has shown me to move else where.
KStars for Android
KStars Source Code
I tried the Stellarmate app recently for iOS to interface with Stellarmate. It was incredibly buggy and I would not rely on it at all.
The Optec focusers are nicer than the ZWO EAF for refractor Feathertouch focusers because it has a manual clutch release to allow for manual focusing any time. That would be the only reason to use Stellarmate or Astroberry on my ASIAIR but after spending a good number of hours trying Astroberry and Stellarmate I concluded I'm going to stick with the very reliable ASIAir app for field use.