Dear all,
I introduce myself briefly.
I'm amateur astronomer and I love to observe sky (night and day) and sometimes I like to buy some ancient classic scopes. I found first a Takahashi CN212 and now I was able to buy an used, but in pristine condition, Japan Special Optics Telescope. I searched a lot to find an instrument of this brand.
Finally I found in Japan a LS-16 scope, unfortunately without manual and original label.
I found an ancient catalogue and talked with some people owning this type of instrument.
It's a Väisälä Wright Newton, mainly used to photograph the sky.
Supplied equipment are original small ( but very heavy!) focuser for 0.925" eyepieces and helical focuser for DSLR.
I hadn't chase to use the scope due to a relocation and very bad weather.
It's beautiful and I hope will perform well.
I kindly ask if someone has a manual or some other info.
I want to use with DSLR and perhaps with a ccd; I'm not sure I'll have enough back focus to use 1.25" eyepieces.
The focuser weight is like small scope ( ah, ancient technician, without hesitation to use iron )
The obstruction is big as we can expect from the scope of the configuration.
I attach some photo of the scope.
Best regards