Many times I find myself thinking: WOW this view is just the best FOV, brightness, whatever only to do the same thing with the very next setup I try. So I asked myself to pick the best of the best. I would like you to do the same. Sure its an impossible task but I know you are up to it. I will get the ball rolling. Since I am a globular cluster geek it is going to be one of those little gems. I know M13 gets all the love in Hercules and if one tends to wander some have discovered M92 is fantastic as well. For me, the challenge was NGC 6229. For almost two decades I would visit this guy and see some stars but only a handful. My biggest scope is 10" and this cluster is 99,000 light years away. So I optimized everything in the NV train (new intensifier, silver diagonal, Takahashi Q1.6 amplifier) and I now get dozens of pinpoint stars that thrill me to no end. How about you? What has floated your boat like nothing else? What I want you to do is answer the Lovin' Spoonful's song Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind? Specifically: " Say yes to one and leave the others behind."
Edited by chemisted, 10 February 2021 - 08:53 PM.