Effective 4/1/21 Vendors will no longer be able to post classified ads.
- The original intent of the Classifieds was to allow members to sell to other members. And that, combined with the rapid growth of the site, the use of the Classifieds has exploded and now is straining our volunteer resources. It never was contemplated that it would be a platform for Vendors to sell to members. Hence the realignment.
- Vendors are instead encouraged to post in their Vendors forum posts links to their websites where Cloudy Nights members may purchase their products. Vendors may update their threads in the Vendors forum only once a week. If you do so more often, the thread will be subject to removal without notice."
- Any of our existing vendors who would like to revert to regular member status, should reach out to a member of the admin team and state so. However, once back to regular status, any attempt to behave as vendors in the classifieds may mean permanent loss of access to the classifieds section of Cloudy Nights, so choose wisely. Such determination, will be at the sole discretion of the admin team.