Just a short update from my experiences with the StellarMate (which I upgraded recently and the app just now...).
I had the same experiences on "dry runs" as some users report here. I also felt everything was "running downhill" and was close to throwing the StellarMate out of the window. So, I finally decided to use the AZGTi mount as hotspot as is recommended in the manual (not the StellarMate as hotspot as Cuiv recommends). This seems to work fairly reliably, whereas other network configurations worked just once for me...
I also want to tell about two discoveries that I made:
When I also connect my laptop (a MacBook) to the mount's network and run KStars on it, the FITS viewer comes up, whenever I take a photo with the camera icon in the app. In the viewer, I can save the photo in three formats (FITS, JPG, and PNG). But it only saves JPG and PNG, when I manually add the respective extension (.jpg, .png) - irrespective of what the dropdown list states. Definitely, a bug. But at least, I found a way to save my "live views".
I still do not know how to save live stacks, though...
>> I just found out that this works for live stacks as well!
Secondly, I also had the issue of empty target lists. I just tried "M31" again for confirmation - and the list was empty. Then I tried "M 31" - and there it was! With "M 3" you get even more galaxies. Or you get M 3 if you switch to globular clusters.
Thus, the targets work*, but the algorithm is very "picky" about blanks!
*) Actually, there still some quirks left...
Best regards, Gerd
Edited by gwal0, 13 November 2021 - 03:34 PM.