I see what Alien Observatory is saying. The sensitivity of the ASI2600 sensor around 500nm, the wavelength for O-III and well in the green part of the spectrum, is quite a bit higher than for the ASI071. This would suggest that the ASI2600 is more sensitive to green than the ASI071. However the spectrum shown for the ASI2600 is almost identical to that of the ASI294. In my testing using an ASI294, all of the multiband (LPS family) IDAS filters had a bluish tint not a greenish tint. If you refer to Table 3 in my test report, and compare the percentages for each colour channel, you can see that for the NB filters and the EAO1 the green channel is dominant (i.e. a greenish tinted image), but the LPS filters have either a dominant blue channel or blue and green are equally dominant (i.e. blue to cyan tinted image). If you indeed have the Celestron RASA Light Pollution Imaging filter, it should behave pretty much the same as the IDAS LPS-P2 ... it is essentially a copy of the IDAS filter, much like the Optolong L-Pro is (see attached image).
I wonder how you are doing your white balancing in Sharpcap? I typically set the camera Red and Blue channel gains first (located in the "Image Control" tool box), getting them set so the white balance is close. I then do my final tweaks using the R/G/B sliders in the stacked image histogram view. If you don't adjust the Red and Blue camera gains up, you will have a very green image regardless of what filter you use, even if you have no filter. The default setting for the camera R & B gain sliders is 50%. My R & B gain sliders are normally both above 75%, and can often be maxed out at 100% depending on what filter I am using and the sky conditions. With those two sliders set properly, you should have lots of colour adjustment available in the live stack window, regardless of the filter you are using.
Best Regards,
Jim T.