I made myself an easy to use setup, my GSO CC is set up at 77mm/78mm.
Keep in mind that I have fun doing things like this, it is a challenge, and it took a while to get something I was happy with, that anyone can use.
I have a Starlight low profile focus assembly on my 16" F/4.42 dob, it is 1.5" racked in all the way, I also had a JMI low profile focus assembly on my Starsplitter that I replaced with a Moonlight low profile focus assembly, so that left the single speed JMI low profile focus assembly to play with, it also is 1.5" racked all the way in.
Here is what I made, it is not light, but neither is the Paracorr T2, it is all the way racked in in the photo below
You can see the JMI focus assembly, it is racked in so all you can see is the tube on the bottom side, the long screws are the adjustment for the plate that holds the GSO lens housing in place (77mm/78mm).
In this photo below with the JMI focus assembly racked all the way out you can see the extension tubes I used to hold the GSO lens housing in place on the bottom plate, I also added enough extensions to almost touch the inserted eyepiece when racked all the way in, these extra extensions are used to keep light out when using higher power eyepieces.
OK, what I do is insert the assembly above into my starlight focus assembly which is racked all the way in, the JMI focus assembly is also racked in all the way, I insert my TV 35mm Panoptic eyepiece in the JMI focuser, I then bring the 35mm Pan eyepiece into focus using the dob starlight focuser, I then lock it in position, every other eyepiece I use I focus with the JMI focus assembly, if I think the dob focus assembly moved I just put the 35mm Pan back in and check to make sure it is in focus.
This setup works great, no rings to make the eyepieces all the same, I just focus it like normal.
This is not a light assembly and likely would not work well on the 6" thru 12" tube dobs with them bearings that use a tension knob, but it works great on my 16" F/4.42 truss dob and I don't need to add or remove weight when using or not using it, I do have to add my 35mm extension when not using this CC assembly I made except when using my TV 31mm T5, that eyepiece is different.