Naked eye limit 4.7 to 4.92 with extreme effort. even with the use of averted vision.
Andromeda is easy to find as well as orion nebula. but ive never ever spotted triangulum. theres just nothing there. I havent even been able to find the 4-star square around where triangulum is. made of some magnitude 8.1 to 9.25 stars
The dimmest deep sky object ive seen with my telescope is probably m32 or m81 with extreme effort in averted vision. and they are almost entirely invisible already. barely even detectable for brief moments.
The background sky is so bright I have to switch back and forth between each eye which causes a big dark area in my vision the same size as the eyepieces field of view temporarily when i look away from the eyepiece. Theres basically no dark adaptation at all.
I'm using a 70mm F6 refractor. with a 40mm plossl eyepiece. (Tried 20mm. it was no better and field of view is smaller so I stuck with the 40mm for wider field of view)
No chance of seeing it in binoculars. though andromeda is still easily spotted in binoculars as a dim glowy dot.
Is this within expectations for being unable to see m33 in b7?
Orion nebula is very dim and almost invisible. even with the aid of my UHC filter. its just a dim grey fuzzy glow with no features with a couple somewhat indistinct stars in the middle of the core.