I use a RASA 11 as my primary imaging rig, and since switching to a full frame ASI6200MC camera and the Celestron Light Pollution Imaging Filter for the RASA 11, I get a lot of rainbows in all of my images, most likely caused by internal reflections from bright stars. The stacked image below shows a few examples of this and I've highlighted the most obvious reflections.
Although the rainbows make my images look nice and colourful, I want to get rid of them! I'm looking to get some help and advice from the community if possible, as I struggle to fix these issues in processing.
Does anyone have any recommendations of how to fix these reflections - either in processing (e.g. in PixInsight), or by adjusting my imaging rig slightly (this would be the preferred option)? At the moment I just tend to use the "clone" tool in Lightroom or Photoshop to paint over the rainbows, but some images are difficult to fix due to the surrounding nebulosity.
Also, it's worth noting I use the Baader UFC series of adapters for attaching the camera to the RASA, and I believe these adapters aren't the cause of the issue as they have a matte finish on the inside to mitigate reflections.
Thanks in advance!
Edited by danielgallo, 30 December 2021 - 03:34 PM.