We can't have a discussion on these telescopes without seeing these specs from Towa.
IIRC, the following photos are from a catalog called: Japanese Optical Precision Instruments 1961-1962
They were reformatted to better fit the post
You never know if catalog photos truely represent the year model but other than the wood tray held by chains,
it matches my Crescent including the chunky style cell that is said to be from the 1959-61 period.
It also features the 24x5 white finder that is on many later 60mm Towas.
The box layout also matches the Crecent's. Note that it's positioned with the lid down and the handle up.
Though branded by others, most people probably associate the ET1 with the Lafayette 342.
The OTA is the same as the AT2 but the later ET1s like this one have a 30mm finder similar to those seen on the later Sears.
Their GEMs are interesting and the layout of the mechanics is reminiscent of a early Unitron 128
Unlike the AT2 it's shown with the slimmer objective cell.
I may be incorrect but kind of doubt they were offered past the early 60s.
Mostly because there seemed to be a evolution of the design of the Towa GEM in those days.
My guess is that AT2 designates Alt-Az Telescope #2 and ET1 Equatorial #1
It also leads me to believe that the Alt-Az versions without slow motion controls might have been designated AT1.
If so do these designations mean they were Towas first versions of 60mm telescopes?
A 60/700mm 9TE style of scope is on the same page as these and is designated as AT7
Perhaps the 7 is in relation to it having a 700mm focal length?
Edited by Kasmos, 18 January 2022 - 01:57 PM.