I like the "two pass" better because of the increase in blue - is ic1396 supposed to have more blue like this?
The colors in the one pass remind me of my Los Angeles air pollution, the second one looks like no air pollution!
No, I don't believe its natural for ic1396 to have more blues but it certainly gives the pic a different vibe.
The first pass brings out more orange/yellow midtones along with the natural Ha dominate.
It kinda reminds me of the PI processed pic my buddy did using the same data, a whopping 76 minutes worth of saved 2-minute (200 gain) EAA subs from sharpcap here:
Only using siril I got the first pass image above by running PCC then BE and used the Max Neutral SCNR instead of the default Avg Neutral option which appears to leave just a hint of green tones in the final ghs stretch(s).
However, if I reverse the order to BE then PCC, SCNR I get this image:
Which I believe is the most natural of the bunch?
It also makes a significant difference if I run astrosharp or astrodenoisepy individually or if I run both astrosharp/astrodenoisepy (usually in that order) together on the same image, if I denoise first then sharpen it sometimes trashes my image but works well with targets like cocoon and dumbbell.
If I plan to run a back-to-back astrodenoisepy process, I use the default values with normalize option but throttle back the STF stretch B to around .2 instead of default .250.
On the second pass I throttle back STF stretch further to .100-ish (to your liking) and bring the denoise strength way down to around .200-ish and get the significant boost in overall blue tones.
Keep in mind I'm running a OSC with my Duo or Triband filter...
The final note I would add is that you do an overall medium level stretch before running it through astrosharp/astrodenoisepy, bringing in a hard stretch is very counterproductive.
It certainly aint no PI, Blur/Noise/StarXterminator but the price is right. I don't need a supporting mainframe level PC and can run/process everything on my gaming laptop taking minutes instead of hours to get results.
Edited by mjanzou, 28 July 2023 - 10:32 AM.