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Alternative mounting options for ZWO AM5

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#1 sctchun


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 05:31 PM

Been lucky to get my AM5 from the large shipment from last month.  There's a lot to like and not like about it.  Like most, I picked up the TC40 when it was a freebie.  It's a nice tripod, but not too happy about pulling out that hex wrench to disassemble everything.  I sort of wished it was tool less.


Being a tinkerer, I set out to see what can be done to eliminate or at least reduce the amount of use of that wrench.  The low hanging fruit was to replace the socket cap screws on the head with equivalent M6 thumbscrew (M6 x 15mm) and reused the locking washers.




This of course create one problem, these will work inside the 70mm pier extensions, but they won't work on the bottom TC40 plate.  Plus these will never work when trying to put 2 of the 70mm piers together.  Well, doing some dry fitting, it looks like if I use longer screws and a spacer I think I can.  The solution was to get 25mm version of the thumbscrews and make a 10mm spacer.


Thumbscrews on TC40.jpg


Of course I didn't stop there, more to come...

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#2 sctchun


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 05:38 PM

The next part was the tripod itself.  Though it makes the entire system portable, I thought I at least try to use a beefier tripod.  First up is the Innorel RT90C, which I find is a beefier version of the TC40, but still light.  Bonus item since both the TC40 and RT90C are Gitzo 5 clones, I'm able to take the top plate from the TC40 and put in the RT90C.  Here's a picture of the RT90C with the TC40 plate.


Innorel Tripod.jpg


As you can see there are 2 problems, small ones though.  First the spreader for the TC40 is too narrow for the RT90C making it useless.  Secondly, if you notice there's a small gap between the top of the tripod and bottom of the 70mm pier extensions whereas on the TC40 there's a lip on the top to close that gap.  I don't think it will reduce the stability, but I may just stay with the TC40 for now.


Of course I didn't stop there....

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#3 sctchun


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 05:50 PM

Taking this alternate mounting a few steps further.  About 15 weeks ago figuring I was going to get my mount soon, I ordered a replacement top plate for my pier adapter from Dan's Pier Plates  Well the new top plate came in this past weekend and here it is:


Pier Top Plate.jpg


I took the hole diagram from the 70mm piers and sent to Dan.  If you noticed there are 4 other larger holes in line, those are for RST135 and RST300 mounts (I don't have them, but just in case).  All of the holes except for the 1/2" one in the center are pass through.  So why so many holes?  Well it is so that I have flexible mounting options, with this setup, I can actually use only one 70mm extension or none to mount the AM5.  Here's a picture of the full pier adapter.


Pier Adapter.jpg


The bottom plate was configured for a Meade Tripod setup, here's the AM5 on a Meade Field tripod with one Pier Extension.


AM5 on Meade.jpg


Here's the picture of the AM5 directly mounting to the adapter


AM5 no extensions.jpg


But wait, that doesn't look like a Meade tripod underneath.  You're right, it isn't.  A long time ago, I purchase an ATS portable pier, here's the AM5 with both extensions plus some additional post to increase the height.


AM5 on ATS.jpg


At this point of time, the system is no longer portable, but of course the question comes up why?????

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#4 sctchun


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Posted 15 August 2022 - 05:54 PM

Well, if you notice on my sig line.  I have two fairly large scopes that I would love to test the limits of the AM5.  A C11 and a Lunt 152ED (doublet).  I've seen some posts and of course the initial pictures of the AM5 with a C11, so I guess I'll have to do the 152ED.


Here's a picture of the test setup.


Lunt152 on AM5.jpg


I've decided to add the CW bar and a 3.8 Kg CW to it (I doubt it will tip over, but just in case).  I'm planning on doing some visual tests with it to test stability, before going any further.  Will keep you all posted.

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#5 DevonRob


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Posted 06 October 2023 - 12:54 AM

Interesting stuff. The PE200 is also a useful "adapter". With an idea on one of the other CN threads:




I got it to work on an EQ6R tripod as described (just need to flip the EQ6 tripod spreader and add an extra nut for the M12 and I think an M10 bolt for the north/azimuth peg hole). With that same approach too, it'll also work on my permanent Altair pier with the same base adapter puck as I used for the EQ6R, although I don't envisage needing that much once the EQ6R is back in it's place after tuning.

#6 DevonRob


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Posted 06 October 2023 - 01:40 AM

BTW - my extra AM5 came thru with a report card of 9.9arc sec. Very happy with that as a number, given my existing one is 10arc sec and guides beautifully.

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