Recently,longtime classics poster deSitter started a thread called the Odds and Ends in which the concept of asking for needed classic parts was raised. This has been discussed here in the past and it frankly has always made lots of sense due to the unique nature of classics. There are, however,TOS prescribed limitations that have nulled such discussions in the past.
deSitter's current thread though has served as a catalyst for a renewed effort among the classics mods to move the concept forward. This new thread is the result of that group effort.
'Have trouble finding that last or small item to finish your restore? This thread is for you! The classic mods working along with the administration have arrived at this format. This is a 'request for free' classic parts thread. Buying and selling are not permitted here and must (per the TOS) be confined to the classifieds. You can, however, ask here for the item you need for free. Many of your fellow forum members are both generous and have stashes of old parts, literature, etc. Ask here, in this forum for that part. These rules(taken from the giveaway thread) apply here.'
1. Ask only for items that are free and directly related to the restoration or repair of a classic telescope or other classic astro related items. The same for reference materials.No compensation may be offered, asked for, or expected aside from reasonable shipping charges.
2. Absolutely do not ask for or accept someone's generosity if your intent is to flip the item for profit. We are operating on the honor system, do so honorably.
3. If you need multiple items, please list them in the same post whenever possible. Once found, please post in the thread that the item has been located. Do not delete the item listing, this will provide a history. Don't bump your post too often.
4. All communication between the receiver and the benefactor should take place via the PM system.
5. Cloudy Nights assumes no responsibility for any aspect of the asked for/giveaway items found or gifted via this thread.