Hello Marion,
I ran the predictions for the years 2023 to 2025 for location Tucson, Arizona. The Moon will be above the horizon while the Sun is below the horizon on the ten dates marked with %. There are also dates on which the moon is above the horizon during daylight.
Searching for Sun Angle = -0.9000° over feature at 0.900°E 25.300°S
Librations and Moon/Sun positions calculated for observer at 110.930°W 32.210°N 0 m
Sun Angle Sub-Solar Point Librations Center of Moon Center of Sun
Date Time UT Altitude Azimuth Colong Lat. Long. Lat. Alt. Azi. Alt. Azi
29/01/2023 00:51:04 -0.9000 92.1355 357.373 -1.546 7.502 -0.280 70.876 145.210 -0.355 248.756 *+%
27/02/2023 15:15:36 -0.9000 91.8897 357.478 -1.323 6.207 -3.174 -28.614 25.574 15.922 110.908 *+
29/03/2023 05:12:40 -0.9000 91.2244 357.763 -0.722 2.937 -5.906 43.795 278.922 -42.063 311.253 *+%
27/04/2023 18:23:10 -0.9000 90.3456 358.139 0.072 1.522 -6.519 -3.211 59.684 67.396 140.625 *+
27/05/2023 06:41:36 -0.9000 89.5003 358.500 0.836 -2.792 -5.309 16.661 277.144 -35.710 348.722 *+%
25/06/2023 18:15:17 -0.9000 88.9069 358.753 1.373 -3.946 -3.576 -9.464 80.252 71.996 114.901 *+
25/07/2023 05:20:56 -0.9000 88.7117 358.837 1.549 -7.240 0.126 11.164 251.242 -29.561 324.623 *+%
23/08/2023 16:20:56 -0.9000 88.9653 358.728 1.320 -6.749 2.905 -38.333 91.749 42.648 105.282 *+
22/09/2023 03:39:52 -0.9000 89.6115 358.452 0.736 -7.246 6.297 15.466 221.192 -29.402 291.432 *+%
21/10/2023 15:40:08 -0.9000 90.4897 358.077 -0.058 -3.844 7.050 -55.834 91.724 24.306 121.776 *+
20/11/2023 04:36:21 -0.9000 91.3595 357.705 -0.844 -1.716 6.247 20.545 230.630 -53.633 280.731 *+%
19/12/2023 18:29:15 -0.9000 91.9607 357.448 -1.388 3.231 3.540 -14.439 84.952 33.025 165.873 *+
18/01/2024 09:02:19 -0.9000 92.1019 357.388 -1.515 4.560 -0.961 -13.597 293.851 -67.130 64.976 *+
16/02/2024 23:45:29 -0.9000 91.7383 357.543 -1.187 7.319 -4.512 64.166 101.350 16.020 243.795 *+
17/03/2024 14:05:29 -0.9000 90.9897 357.863 -0.510 7.188 -5.829 -29.973 3.439 6.558 95.354 *+
16/04/2024 03:37:15 -0.9000 90.0872 358.249 0.306 5.639 -6.401 67.337 257.320 -21.333 298.187 *+%
15/05/2024 16:10:19 -0.9000 89.2858 358.591 1.030 4.287 -4.511 -32.249 39.842 45.650 95.248 *+
14/06/2024 03:48:51 -0.9000 88.7926 358.802 1.476 0.477 -1.685 46.403 237.114 -14.379 310.073 *+%
13/07/2024 14:48:40 -0.9000 88.7254 358.831 1.537 -1.884 1.135 -55.585 51.374 27.573 80.573 *+
12/08/2024 01:33:32 -0.9000 89.0986 358.671 1.199 -4.990 4.617 36.709 196.067 6.872 283.259 *+
10/09/2024 12:31:24 -0.9000 89.8225 358.362 0.545 -6.765 6.158 -84.437 356.184 -7.837 79.457 *+
10/10/2024 00:09:41 -0.9000 90.7154 357.981 -0.262 -7.199 7.658 27.975 171.772 9.111 256.010 *+
08/11/2024 12:48:40 -0.9000 91.5344 357.630 -1.002 -6.384 5.838 -80.399 349.726 -12.740 101.996 *+
08/12/2024 02:33:53 -0.9000 92.0354 357.416 -1.455 -4.648 3.162 41.817 211.433 -27.870 259.398 *+%
06/01/2025 17:11:14 -0.9000 92.0551 357.408 -1.473 -0.494 -0.615 -20.744 68.814 26.135 144.180 *+
05/02/2025 08:09:25 -0.9000 91.5818 357.610 -1.045 1.575 -4.690 -1.195 294.711 -72.086 25.579 *+
06/03/2025 22:50:42 -0.9000 90.7655 357.959 -0.307 6.067 -6.544 53.161 84.951 30.254 240.431 *+
05/04/2025 12:43:55 -0.9000 89.8575 358.347 0.513 7.100 -5.380 -29.168 339.854 -5.527 78.990 *+
05/05/2025 01:33:02 -0.9000 89.1166 358.664 1.183 7.481 -3.674 73.163 150.603 6.009 285.479 *+
03/06/2025 13:18:38 -0.9000 88.7340 358.827 1.529 5.980 -0.124 -52.248 347.140 11.052 70.396 *+
03/07/2025 00:15:28 -0.9000 88.7968 358.800 1.472 3.891 2.987 46.659 153.953 26.754 281.453 *+
01/08/2025 10:48:32 -0.9000 89.2825 358.593 1.033 0.298 5.497 -57.330 287.032 -20.980 50.928 *+
30/08/2025 21:28:43 -0.9000 90.0698 358.257 0.322 -1.534 7.151 13.975 134.510 52.765 237.664 *+
29/09/2025 08:47:19 -0.9000 90.9597 357.876 -0.483 -5.392 6.938 -39.433 257.305 -53.137 41.256 *+
28/10/2025 21:08:52 -0.9000 91.7119 357.554 -1.163 -6.005 5.905 11.284 129.959 35.904 217.358 *+
27/11/2025 10:43:08 -0.9000 92.1022 357.387 -1.516 -7.776 2.334 -56.714 293.876 -41.934 90.508 *+
27/12/2025 01:19:13 -0.9000 91.9990 357.432 -1.422 -6.929 -1.212 55.962 195.780 -11.108 249.317 *+%
* = Target feature on visible disk
+ = Azimuth of Sun within 5.00° of target (= 90.000°)
% = Moon above horizon/Sun below horizon
*** search completed ***
Lunar X Tucson.txt 4.99KB
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You can use a planetarium program to check if the moon will be above the horizon.
Good luck,
Edited by beggarly, 09 January 2023 - 06:44 AM.