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Issue with ASIAIR Plus, ZWO 533, Deep Sky Stacker

Astrophotography Imaging Equipment Software
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#1 FiascoR


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Posted 04 February 2023 - 07:10 PM

Greetings All


Recently acquired the ASIAIR Plus and am running it with the ZWO 533MC, Eq6 R Pro Mount. After an imaging session, I've attempted to load the image files into Deep Sky Stacker (wan't a little more control than what the ASISTUDIO stacking program could offer), and the files are unable to be read, yielding the following error message...


fits_open_diskfile X:\ASTROPIXIC 2177 Seagull Nebula* \1.29.2023\Light\IC2177\lights\Light_IC2177_300.0s_Bin1_20230129-212524_0001.fit returned a status of 104, error text is: "could not open the named file"


Any ideas? Also can't open in Siril. 


Not sure if I'm doing something wrong in the settings, something in the ASIAIR software, or just the way the file is named. I tried renaming to something simple like image1.fit and still no luck.



#2 Dynan



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Posted 04 February 2023 - 07:34 PM

You're not allowed an asterisk in a filename. Might be the problem.


EDIT: I see you tried renaming. Maybe the file is corrupted by having it saved with an asterisk in the name. What program puts the asterisk in there?

Edited by Dynan, 04 February 2023 - 07:36 PM.

#3 DirtyRod



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Posted 04 February 2023 - 07:39 PM

How did you copy them off the device? Can you preview them on the AAP? Have you tried mapping a drive to the AAP and opening them while they sit on the AAP?

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