Ok. We have a winner.
I first thought that I would adapt wooden legs from a Vixen 6" F8 Newt. They seemed strong enough. However, I wasn't sure.
Then, I attempted to adapt the Dynascope mount to my Meade HD field tripod. It would have worked buy placed the center of the EQ head about 8" hyigher than it was on the pier.
Oh. And I toued with the idea of putting wheels on the pier. However, that idea evaporated quickly because of the pier's weight.
So, I did some measuring and discobered that the Cave pedestal for my 8" F8 Astrola was slightly smaller than the working OD of the top cap from thge Dynascope mount.
So, nopw the Dynascope sits on top of my Cave pedestal.
Looks like a narriage made in heaven.
And, JIC you hadn't seen the prior pics, the Cave rotating tube assembly bolts right up to the Dynascope cradle.
Next. add encoders to the Dynascope mount for my NGC-Max. I had already done this for the Cave mount and they are still installed and they worked great with the NGC-Max. However, the Cave mount is about 30% larger by dimensions and weighs about 50 lbs more than the
Dynascope mount. Mty Cave mount is actually a 12 1/2? GEM. That will be listed soon.
Thanks to all who "liked" my posts.