PSR capture
Gain 300
120 secs - 30 sec subs 7nm Ha
180 secs - 10 sec subs no filter
In this PSR capture, 120 secs was captured and stacked with the 7nm Ha filter, the capture was Paused, the filter was Swapped out, the system was re-focused (EAF makes this VERY simple), and new flats were loaded, and the capture was Resumed.
This was my first attempt at this and there are a lot of minor tweaks to improve the process and better balance the two components of the image, handle the different brightness of the two halves of the capture and so on.
I'm using a ZWO533MM Pro cooled to 0C. It's a very clean camera, so no darks, only hot pixel removal.
The AT125EDL has a big image circle and a clean optical train, so I could do without flats to start with.
To prepare, I might need to make darks for the camera (I'm not), make flats for each OTA/Filter combination, get EAF focus and image scale information for each filter combination.
In the example above, I did the Ha first and added the luminance. To get the best results, I think it would be better to start with the luminance and add the Ha. If the image needs to be adjusted, it is fairly simple to capture a little more HA.
The capture length is set to 31 minutes in Sharpcap because I'm going to be controlling things manually, saving raws, and work-in progress, as needed.
There is nothing to prevent using more than one filter, say Ha and OII, or leaving out the luminance and capturing with two or three different filters, M1 would be an interesting target.
There is nothing, in principle, that would prevent this technique being used with an OSC to emphasize various nebulosity elements on top of an existing capture.
Edited by SchoolMaster, 29 May 2023 - 06:40 AM.