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CNers have asked about a donation box for Cloudy Nights over the years, so here you go. Donation is not required by any means, so please enjoy your stay.


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#1 rbto80


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Posted 29 May 2023 - 07:05 PM

I noticed that today (05-29-23) the SVBony MK105 is listing for $219US for US customers. Nice little scope for planetary, lunar, and solar photography. Compact and light. Some here might find interest - know I did (and couldn't let it go at that price). Not the fastest scope ever (f13) but a healthy 1365mm focal length and well liked in some reviews. This price might be short lived and the qualifications aren't listed except for US pricing. There are 3 pricing options, two of which include additional items, but the bare bones scope is listed as above, including a Vixen type rail and guide scope dovetail.



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#2 carolinaskies


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Posted 29 May 2023 - 07:09 PM

I wonder if the MK105 is the remnants of the old Meade ETX105 since it was discontinued by Meade and probably had production lenses in the marketplace.  The Meade 105 was well known as a better performer in the ETX line.  

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#3 rbto80


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Posted 30 May 2023 - 09:43 AM

The SVBony doesn't quite look like the Meade scope and photos I've seen of the Meade have "made in the USA" on the front lens ring. These are Chinese made so it's possible they are a clone. The mount is entirely different and is a simple Vixen style wedge rather than the side fork-style mount of the Meade so that part has been re-engineered even if the optics are Meade-like. I understand they've been selling quite a few of these so I would think they have to have their own source of lenses unless there were a great many left over from the Meade production. The same lens producer might be involved though. My understanding is that this scope is one of their early offerings and they are using its launch to help fund a larger version down the road, but that's third hand info.

Edited by rbto80, 30 May 2023 - 09:51 AM.

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CNers have asked about a donation box for Cloudy Nights over the years, so here you go. Donation is not required by any means, so please enjoy your stay.

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