On September 23, 2016 - time goes by so fast ! -, I recorded seven videos with my (old) Point Grey Grasshopper camera at the focus of my C14, enabling me to compose a long but narrow lunar mosaic running from north (Pascal crater) to south (Moretus crater). The vertical alignment of the shots was slightly off, which led me to reduce the width of the final image a little.
I've just resumed processing these images, firstly because I hadn't worked hard enough on their quality at the time, and also because I haven't really had any good weather (astronomically speaking) at home for a while - which leaves me some free time for astro nostalgia
I offer you two things:
* the final image (too big) is here: https://nsm09.casima...60718190337.jpg
* the same view in video is here: https://www.youtube....h?v=tpxipkbYT0c )
Hope you enjoy.
Claude N
Edited by Claude Navarro, 03 June 2023 - 02:02 PM.
Image removed much too large